+rep -smoke report- black mamba, damiana *spice* +rep


yea, ill take this instead :lol::lol::lol:
BONNEVILLE COUNTY - $19.99, that's all it costs to get high-legally. Black Mamba, or also known as K-2 or Spice is sold at the Country Corner, right behind the Kit Kat bars and next to the cigarettes. It's a synthetic marijuana drug addicts could use as a legal substitute.

"If I didn't go through the treatment that I went through and I was addicted to marijuana, I would have smoked Black Mamba for a substitute," says former drug addict Kelly Kenrid.

Former drug abuser Kelly Kenrid, admits the legality of Black Mamba is dangerous, especially for those already smoking marijuana. Now they can get high without paying a fine and because it contains no THC, it doesn't show up in drug tests.

You can purchase the incense on the Internet, three grams for $49.99. The website www.blackmambaspice.com indicates Black Mamba comes from a plant called Damiana, which according to this site, has been used for thousands of years in Latin America cultures as a sexual stimulant. The site claims Black Mamba grows in Mexico, California, and Texas. It acts as an anti-depressant and stimulates circulation to help with fatigue and even weight loss.

"It is kind of scary, because anybody can get ahold of it, it is scary for underage people," says Kenrid.

One high school student, who chose not to be on camera, admitted he's heard of the drug and has friends who've smoked it.

"Why would it be legal compared to marijuana?" I asked him. "Because it has no THC in it, so it gives you the same effects, but they are not as intense," says the anonymous high school student.

"Whether it's legal or not it's still a drug and it alters your mind and to an addict it's still addictive, and anything that alters your mind is going to be addictive to an addict," explains Kenrid.

If you want to read more about Black Mamba, click on the Newslinks section at the top of this page.

Keep in mind, KIDK is not trying to promote the drug, just taking action for you, that's what we do, informing you as a parent and a community.
verdict is in this is good
this shit is nothing like weed...........
it scarry beter
the shit is
like weed X 100
like XTC
dont drive on this shit




fuckin mi
no lie

....................weed beter watch out
holy shit
this shit is crazy
you have to try it
only for the strong mind

this shit is way stronger then weed
its like real trippy
....i'm flying
man i am not lieng to you this shit is a drug in its own right

man this shit is not for ever day use you will loose you fucking mind
Does it make you feel all nasty like salvia does after you come down and how does it last
dont know i have never did salvia
but right now i'm out of my fuckin mind

you know how when you cool with someone and you get to that point where every one is asking everyone what drugs you have done you will list this on it if you have done this
i mean i going thew my phonebook trying to get other smoker i know to try this shit

i out of my fuuuuuuuukkinnnnn mind right now
i couldnt fight no one right now if ihad to
i cant drive right now
its hard as hell for me to focus
i cant ..
i feel like i would fail a drug test
You won't fail a drug test
You smoked jwh-018
It is a legal at the moment and will not show up on a drug test
the smoke was real smoth on it but i could tell if someone tryed to bring that shit to a smokeout

the high would give it away
you'll know it wasnt a weed
the high form this shit is way more intense