rep system icon meanings


Well-Known Member
ive looked for the last 6 hrs and couldnt find this. what do the colors of the box in front of your reps mean? one is red a some are blue and the rest are green. does the red colored box in front of it mean i got a negative rep point?


Well-Known Member
Red = someone gave you negative rep.
Green = someone gave you positive rep.
Blue = someone who has under 25 posts gave you rep but they're still considered a "Stranger" so they're rep doesn't affect your score.


Well-Known Member
No problem, bro! It took me forever to figure that out too.
I think they do that so users can't setup secondary accounts only to give their primary accounts positive rep. I also believe rep is weighted, i.e. +rep from mods and such gives you more points than rep from people with fewer posts.
Thanks for the rep!


Well-Known Member
When you go into "My Rollitup" at the bottom under "Latest Reputation Received" it shows colored tags to denote if your rep is positive, negative or neutral.
I'm assuming you're looking at a sea green, Boneman. :bigjoint:

Illegal Smile

How can you tell how many rep points a poster's (including yourself) reps are worth?