Repair People In my Grow Space!!


Well-Known Member
did you say your girlfriend didnt know about it, how pissed was she??
First of all, your avatar Freaks me out.
And yea, we had talked about me growing, and she was cool with it...but i got things well started before she had found out.
but yea, I didnt really worry about the dudes, nothing seemed shady, he was deff, chill.
and they only saw one of the plants, that i am going to flower soon, in about 10-12 more days_ish.

sooooo... i forget what other questions were asked, so ill post again if i feel the need.
PeAcE all the "freaky people of the world"


Well-Known Member
someone said something about the popo's needing a seperate warrant for another locked door within the house!? what state do you live in? i have never heard of this sweet rule.


Well-Known Member
...and i give thanks to my homeboys PotRoast and NgtyBear,
you two always seem to be positive...and thats cool in my book, of cool things by cool people, that are cooler than cool people that are waaaaaay cooler than the cooler people below them, that arent even as cool as the first cool people...but are as cool as the Master Cool FunkaDelicSter.

wow. :joint:+ Me(:blsmoke:) = :confused: ..:hump:

and i dont know, but im locking up all my shit,
and im going to try and delete this Tread sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
Well I know if the trunk of your car is locked and you refuse they cant open it and this also extends to safes (and I believe rooms)

Another idea for a covert grow. A gun safe. Its got a friggin combo lock and weighs a ton what are they gonna do about it lol.


Well-Known Member
well the cops can get a warrent and Go threw ur house, but then again it takes a while to get one... but he has no reason to worry if his repair man saw it, said he knows buddys who grow.. he would have some common sense not to go spreding shit around, and why would he tell his pals ur address? he was proboly just as high as you.


Well-Known Member
Ohio... I am so going to have to smoke a little (like I ever smoke a little) before I can break that one down, but I am sure it will be way cool once I do. :D


Well-Known Member
Well I know if the trunk of your car is locked and you refuse they cant open it and this also extends to safes (and I believe rooms)

Another idea for a covert grow. A gun safe. Its got a friggin combo lock and weighs a ton what are they gonna do about it lol.
not true if they have reasonable suspicion, although the evidence found may not be allowable in court. That means you go to jail but if you can keep your damn yap shut you'll get out of most of it.

completely untrue if they have a properly sworn warrant. if they don't have a warrant to cover that then they can call and just get the warrant updated to include it. if you refuse to open it, they can just break in and not reimburse you for the cost.

If you're really itching to fight the man, you might consider going and pissing on a building in public or flipping off a cop and arguing about freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
cop can pretty much do whatever he wants. it's the courts that decide the charges. meanwhile cops torn the interior out the ceiling tiles down, axed threw the walls, tipped over the fridge, dumped all the cereal. oh, a locked door, i'll just leave that alone. whatever.


Well-Known Member
oh, you're right. they get sued. while you serve time.

seriously dude, there are ways to measure your dick length.

committing crimes in a part of your house and then thinking that a door lock will stop investigations is not one of them.

ever worse is to advise others to do so.