Repirations for slavery

Republicans are borrowing money from China to pay farmers to not sell to China so that Americans can pay more for the goods we get from China

Name one thing those democrats have done which is that fucking stupid
Democrats borrow money from China to pay single mothers to raise kids alone. Great incentive.

Democrats try to ban guns.

Democrats passed a bill saying it is ok to kill babies that are born alive.

Democrats dropped off pallets of cash in Iran.
Democrats borrow money from China to pay single mothers to raise kids alone. Great incentive.

Democrats try to ban guns.

Democrats passed a bill saying it is ok to kill babies that are born alive.

Democrats dropped off pallets of cash in Iran.
So people are taking babies home and killing them, right
OMG you just reveled that you don't know shit. learn the difference between Crimean Khanate ( decedents of Genghis Khan ) and Ottaman ( Osman Gazi ) from there learn when and where the Ottoman Empire was established, which should lead you to the many religion the empire allowed
OMG? The tatars brought captured slavs to the ottoman slave markets.
Democrats borrow money from China to pay single mothers to raise kids alone. Great incentive.
i must have missed that add in the help wanted section of the paper....

Democrats passed a bill saying it is ok to kill babies that are born alive.
read this....
democrats didn't pass any bill....republicans presented a bill they knew was doomed to failure, and was pointless, as laws already existed to stop these thing ..the entire thing was a republican ploy to influence the simple minded.....

Democrats try to ban guns.
Republicans use them to kill people...knock it off and they might back off a little...

Democrats dropped off pallets of cash in Iran.

The $400 million was Iran's to start with, placed into a US-based trust fund to support American military equipment purchases in the 1970s. When the Shah was ousted by a 1979 popular uprising that led to the creation of the Islamic Republic, the US froze the trust fund. Iran has been fighting for a return of the funds through international courts since 1981.

whether the deals politicians make are good or not, they're we want to start comparing the size of fuckups either party has made for the past 30 or 40 years?
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i must have missed that add in the help wanted section of the paper....

read this....
democrats didn't pass any bill....republicans presented a bill they knew was doomed to failure, and was pointless, as laws already existed to stop these thing ..the entire thing was a republican ploy to influence the simple minded.....

Republicans use them to kill people...knock it off and they might back off a little...

The $400 million was Iran's to start with, placed into a US-based trust fund to support American military equipment purchases in the 1970s. When the Shah was ousted by a 1979 popular uprising that led to the creation of the Islamic Republic, the US froze the trust fund. Iran has been fighting for a return of the funds through international courts since 1981.

whether the deals politicians make are good or not, they're we want to start comparing the size of fuckups either party has made for the past 30 or 40 years?
Hey michiganpissdrinker,

You need to apologize for lying again
OMG? The tatars brought captured slavs to the ottoman slave markets.
Does not take away the fact that you do not realize who the Tatars were...not Barber coast Moors, so they cannot be the same people who raided Iceland between 20 June and 19 July 1627.
but please do go on, I'm enjoying the stupidity.

Let me share a little unknown and known secret. Muhammad the founder of the religion Islam was indeed a man of white complexion. Knowing that can set you on a path of understanding religions and there creations You are welcome
I used to sing this song on stage, before I understood that neo-marxists use this divisive language throughout our society to break down the foundation of the US and usher in global communism. Great song other than that.
I'm not a globalist either. Did you look into NAFTA? Check that out, if you haven't. That agreement sent plenty of jobs out of our country.
Does not take away the fact that you do not realize who the Tatars were...not Barber coast Moors, so they cannot be the same people who raided Iceland between 20 June and 19 July 1627.
but please do go on, I'm enjoying the stupidity.

Let me share a little unknown and known secret. Muhammad the founder of the religion Islam was indeed a man of white complexion. Knowing that can set you on a path of understanding religions and there creations You are welcome
I didnt say they were the same actual people or persons who performed that raid Straw Man. Interesting. A white man you say? Remind me of what nation and tribe he was from.
Idk why im posting but hey..I skipped a lot of post because of all the shit slinging. Reparations is an interesting concept that would be hard pressed to see fruition. Paid in money, would help a few and not benefit others. Tax free for a set amount of years is interesting but deciding who gets the credit is another hurdle. Putting into black communities (ie school) would push gentrification. The ole 40 acres and a mule would have open waters for real estate sharks. I would love to hear a politician actually have plan that would make any sense. I cant wrap my head around it..
Slavery to me isn’t really a big deal I think its the perception of a black person and the laws put in place, and intentional suppression of economic growth that really devastated that community.
I didnt say they were the same actual people or persons who performed that raid Straw Man. Interesting. A white man you say? Remind me of what nation and tribe he was from.
oh he was born in Saudi Arabia 570 AD. Still does not take away he was of white complexion. There is a BIG reason why pictures of Muhammad are not allowed. It will openly reveal something that would wreak History.
Tell you what Google it and thank me later. Hopefully it will lead you on the path to study what you have been told. Confused people can be easily mislead.

While we were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet (ﷺ) was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm."

are you arguing what the Quran says ?
The only way to perpetuate this myth of systemic racism and oppression is with lies.
The only way to defeat white supremacist propaganda is by shining the light of truth on cockroaches like you.

I think I'm going to start playing racist denial bingo


Name the squares you've already covered. It's a hilarious game.
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Idk why im posting but hey..I skipped a lot of post because of all the shit slinging. Reparations is an interesting concept that would be hard pressed to see fruition. Paid in money, would help a few and not benefit others. Tax free for a set amount of years is interesting but deciding who gets the credit is another hurdle. Putting into black communities (ie school) would push gentrification. The ole 40 acres and a mule would have open waters for real estate sharks. I would love to hear a politician actually have plan that would make any sense. I cant wrap my head around it..
Slavery to me isn’t really a big deal I think its the perception of a black person and the laws put in place, and intentional suppression of economic growth that really devastated that community.
enough said
Idk why im posting but hey..I skipped a lot of post because of all the shit slinging. Reparations is an interesting concept that would be hard pressed to see fruition. Paid in money, would help a few and not benefit others. Tax free for a set amount of years is interesting but deciding who gets the credit is another hurdle. Putting into black communities (ie school) would push gentrification. The ole 40 acres and a mule would have open waters for real estate sharks. I would love to hear a politician actually have plan that would make any sense. I cant wrap my head around it..
Slavery to me isn’t really a big deal I think its the perception of a black person and the laws put in place, and intentional suppression of economic growth that really devastated that community.
Kamala Harris has made some statements that make sense to me. This from an interview on NPR.

KAMALA HARRIS: Sure. You can look at the issue of untreated and undiagnosed trauma. African-Americans have higher rates of heart disease and high blood pressure. It is environmental. It is centuries of slavery, which was a form of violence where women were raped, where children were taken from their parents - violence associated with slavery. And that never - there was never any real intervention to break up what had been generations of people experiencing the highest forms of trauma. And trauma, undiagnosed and untreated, leads to physiological outcomes.

INSKEEP: We're talking about the same thing as post-traumatic stress from a war.


INSKEEP: That's the kind of thing we're talking about.

HARRIS: Absolutely. But listen; when - unless there's intervention done, it will appear to be, perhaps, generational. But it's generational only because the environment has not experienced a significant enough change to reverse the symptoms. You need to put resources and direct resources - extra resources - into those communities that have experienced that trauma.

INSKEEP: Reparations could...

HARRIS: So that's an example, in my mind...

INSKEEP: Reparations could be mental health treatment for African-Americans, hypothetically.

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.

The effects of white brutality on the black community are not something that can be addressed by simply cutting a check. That's not what Harris is talking about. All that Booker proposed is to fund a study on the subject. I think there are some things that could have an immediate effect, but I think some thought and study should go into the subject before one could answer your question.