Replacing Blood meal with Alfalfa meal in a soil mix

No! Lol don’t do that
1:1:1 peat/perlite (or rice hulls, or pumice) /humus (compost or castings)
Set yourself up for success brotha

Kiss method says straight alfalfa whole way through cut 50/50 is okay but only use what is handy (vermiculite for me)

not sure on alfalfa being too hot, most of the good things I hear about it are in seedling through veg. And the person on here growing in straight cow dung, that has to be hotter.

Probably try 50/50 first go if that doesn’t work I will cut back if it does, then try a little more

maybe I’m wrong, but I’m gonna give it a try, I got a bunch of random seeds so nothing is lost and maybe some gain.

Don’t think I can grab some for a few days at least, so gonna do a little more research
bone meal it disolve very slow in soil and it doesnt burn plant like manures and high nitrogen organic fertilizer , I read that better to add 1 pound per 10 square in garden soil , wood ash high in potassium but it may make the soil ph more alkaline and cannabis going well with slighlty acidic soil , but the good side its a natural pesticide against some pests , for K I prefer to use sheep manure with adding liquid kelp meal frequently , and may it work half wood ash + half sheep manure for the K with little boost of small potassium ratio of kelp with its rich micro nuts
Blood meal won’t burn your plant but too much could cause Nitrogen deficiency :(
Did you use it? how did it work for you?

I was going to use alfalfa pellets as only fert on some plants. See a lot of good stuff on it just looking for cannabis being grow with it as main fert.

get 50 pounds for 15 bucks at feed store near me, wonder why not more people using it

Well I backed off using the ground alfalfa pellets as part of the medium. I am using them as part of an aerated tea, 1 tablespoon Mollasses, 1 tablespoon worm castings and 1 tablespoon ground up alfalfa pellets per gallon. Hit them with that once a week. Aerate for 48 hours or so usually three gallons at a time and give my 2 gallon pots 30 ounces each.
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