Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

What about stretchy stems in hydro setup Im running dwc and my babies are 8 days old and they kind of stretched out till i lowered the cfls
no more stretch but the stems are long and stringy
This is just to show you how easy it is to bury those long stretchy stems ,

After you replant them make sure you lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

I do not have a pic of one of those seedlings with the long ass stem reaching for a light that's 2ft high

But i got this one that i internally let slightly stretch a little , you can see the slight stretch at the bottom of the stem

You do not want your soil wet when you do this

its best for the soil to be dry so the extra soil will come off the roots easier

After you take your plant out , GENTLY break lose the soil from around the roots

After you got the excess soil off the roots , put some soil back in the bottom of your cup or pot

you dont want to put your plant right in with the roots hitting the bottom of your cup because you dont want the chance for the roots to grow out the drain holes

so put some soil in the bottom first then put your seedling back in

position your seedling at desired height for your stem to be buried at

i would bury all the way up to the Cotyledon leaves ,

after your have replanted and buried your stem you can then give it just A LITTLE bit of water

the part of the stem that you buried will eventually start to grow roots

your plant will pretty much not go into shock at all from this

just make sure your gentle when your braking the lose soil off the roots

Like i said this is not a bad stretchy plant but the same principle applies with those long ass stretchy stems

hope this helps you all that has the long stretchy seedling stem problem

remember to lower your lights so they wont continue to stretch

Thankyou great post makes it easy for people like me
What about stretchy stems in hydro setup Im running dwc and my babies are 8 days old and they kind of stretched out till i lowered the cfls
no more stretch but the stems are long and stringy

This thread is for soil ,

I do not know to much about the hydro game ,

This is just a thought idk if it will work though ,

But the roots end up growing through the pebbles out the the net right ?

Maybe you could take the pebbles out then lower your rockwool with seedling more to the bottom of the net then put the pebbles back in

Like i said idk if that would work , i just dont know how to grow hydro yet but im working on it , i just built my first dwc system that im gonna practice with bagseed on
I've heard, and maybe it was discussed here, that burying them TOO deep can lead to mold, fungus and stem rot. Is that only an issue past a certain height?
I've heard, and maybe it was discussed here, that burying them TOO deep can lead to mold, fungus and stem rot. Is that only an issue past a certain height?

Iv have never heard of that happening just from burring your stem to help cut the stretch out

Im not saying that it can not happen , im just saying iv never heard of it happening

As far as seedlings goes its definitely not a problem ,

If you got a seedling / plant that is ( lets say 3 to 6" ) and its stretchy / skinny / scrawny as hell then their is absolutely no problem re burring it up to the cotyledon leaves

If it is so stretchy that the true leaves are like an 1" or 2 from the cotyledon leaves then i would even bury the cotyledon leaves and bury up to the first set of true leaves .

But i would cut / pull the cotyledon leaves off before i do it though ,

But thats is just me , you do not have to cut them off ,

Your buried stem will still grow new roots anyway .

But as far as burring to deep that it gets mold or fungi , iv personally have not heard of that ,

But im not burring up to sets of nodes at a time though ya know ........:peace:


Don`t forget to lower your lights afterwards !
Good to know goten. This was a common practice in the 90s when we tried to grow super tall sativas. People would try to repot them 2 or 3 nodes deep to make them manageable but often the stem under the soil would turn to mush and the plant died. It was likely just a combination of poor methods, poor plants, and poor medium/water.

Burying up to the Cotes is something I will certainly try next grow. I wish I had on a few this transplant.
Good to know goten. This was a common practice in the 90s when we tried to grow super tall sativas. People would try to repot them 2 or 3 nodes deep to make them manageable but often the stem under the soil would turn to mush and the plant died. It was likely just a combination of poor methods, poor plants, and poor medium/water.

Burying up to the Cotes is something I will certainly try next grow. I wish I had on a few this transplant.
I've buried up to the cotyledons on many of occasion, never had a problem with it. I'm talking plants no older than 2 weeks from seed, obviously.
just start out the plants with less soil in the pot, so when they get lengthy, add more soil, then if they get lenghty more, add more soil till the planter is topped off.
just start out the plants with less soil in the pot, so when they get lengthy, add more soil, then if they get lenghty more, add more soil till the planter is topped off.

Why would you put less soil in to prepare for a stretch ?

Just keep your lights lowered after you plant and you wont have to deal with the stretch in the first place ;-)
goten,i think u r a very tolerant person, i am new at this as well i recieved some seeds from a friend, first one popped open and once it was green i planted it in a peat pot that is 4",i have read a lot on here so i knew to put the lite close ( cfl growlite) to it,it was right over it less then a half of an inch,within two hours it was around the light and stretching up the side, i have put it back in the same pot and i have had to do this like 5 times going deeper into the peat pot everytime in 4 days and already and it needs it again today.and i think it could def use more time to get the roots going,i dont know the strain but i do know its medical from colorado is this normal, or have i missed somthing thanks so much.. theyardman
goten,i think u r a very tolerant person, i am new at this as well i recieved some seeds from a friend, first one popped open and once it was green i planted it in a peat pot that is 4",i have read a lot on here so i knew to put the lite close ( cfl growlite) to it,it was right over it less then a half of an inch,within two hours it was around the light and stretching up the side, i have put it back in the same pot and i have had to do this like 5 times going deeper into the peat pot everytime in 4 days and already and it needs it again today.and i think it could def use more time to get the roots going,i dont know the strain but i do know its medical from colorado is this normal, or have i missed somthing thanks so much.. theyardman

Imo it sounds like ( Maybe ) your light is to week so even though you have it right on top of it your plant it is still stretching around your light looking for more

What wattage is your growlight ? maybe you can put a stronger light over it to penetrate better and stop your stretch

I dont know it all and dont claim to , i just try to keep things simple

Maybe someone else will come along with a better answer for you my man
ok this is what i have, my box on wheels is three feet tall three feet long and three and a half ft high,its lined in mylar,i have six 125 watt vitalume lites that i am going to run along each side and 2 t5's that will be on each end with 1 150 watt cfl. do u think this is enough lighting? i have one fan 3/4 from the bottom inside the box and one attached to the top of the box we live on third floor so i have drilled 2 large holes in the back 3" for elecrical and one for the oder. the box will then be put up against the window that has a double fan. sucking out the oder.. i am going to run 12/12 keeping in mind the god awful heat so the lights will run at night.
goten have i missed anything?
ok this is what i have, my box on wheels is three feet tall three feet long and three and a half ft high,its lined in mylar,i have six 125 watt vitalume lites that i am going to run along each side and 2 t5's that will be on each end with 1 150 watt cfl. do u think this is enough lighting?

Sounds good , just keep your temps under control , make sure your exhaust fan is pushing out more air then your intake fan is bringing in ,

i have one fan 3/4 from the bottom inside the box and one attached to the top of the box we live on third floor so i have drilled 2 large holes in the back 3" for elecrical and one for the oder. the box will then be put up against the window that has a double fan. sucking out the oder..

Like i said above just make sure you have more air exhausting out then what is coming in ,

those 2 holes you drilled will work sort of like a passive intake since their is no fan and you just have cords going through , even though you have your cords going through the holes air is still coming in

So just make sure you are exhausting more air out .

i am going to run 12/12 keeping in mind the god awful heat so the lights will run at night.
goten have i missed anything?

The more hot air you can exhaust the cooler you can keep

here is a old pic from my dresser grow , my hps is sitting right on top of my plant and the temp is 82 degrees

proper ventilation allows you to keep things cool ,

Their is a lot to it and i know their are things im not mentioning and probably even saying backwards probably , but if i am someone will correct me


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that sounds great goten,i got the heat taken care of to, i will have to leave the door open with a fan faceing it to pull in the cooler air from ac but thats ok we keep will keep the door locked,cant have our grandson coming in and seeing grama and grampa growing mj.. thanks dude u really helped. this whole site has helped us in this endever we have been lurking and reading for several weeks again thank you all for such good information
when we can we will post some pictures
what is the purpose of this? im curious, im about to start growing and ive never seen or read this.

I explained this in the very first post ,

A lot of new growers tend to keep their lights to high , as a result of the light being to high the plants start to get long and stretchy reaching for the light and the stem ends up being to weak to hold itself up , also 4 + inches in node spacing , ect. just long lanky , and stretchy

Then they come on here asking why it is doing that and how to fix it ,

This thread is a step by step answer for that with pics to show how easy it is to fix a simple problem