Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

I have a plant that is about a foot tall. Only the top 3-4 inches have leaves and very few. I was wondering can i cut 6 inches off and bury it and let new roots grow, kind of like cloning?

Maybe a dumb question but i dont like this bean stalk he is taller than all the others and getting burnt from the light while i cannot raise the light higher due to the other guys being smaller lol

You can put your smaller plants on top of something like a cup maybe to get it closer to your light since you cant lower them right now

As far as burring half you plant i honestly dont know my man

Iv never done it that high up before , theirs a chance that if you bury to much , your stalk could soften up and get soggy but i honestly dont know since iv have not done it that high up my man
That's Great, So did you Bury them by much or are they Dead now? And what Strain would you say it is? as I’ve been looking at Smoking one of these for a while now...

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Thanks for the awesome advice goten, you just saved my friend's (non-serious) windowsill bagseed seedling, the thing was about 4'' long!

Just to clarify, in order to prevent stretched seedlings in the future, one should:
1) lower the lights, keep the light as close to the seedling as possible without burning it and
2) have a light fan (like a small PC fan) providing a gentle breeze to strengthen the stem.

Am I getting this right? Is there anything else you can do (eg. with the soil or w/e) to prevent this situation? Thanks again man.
I am a beginner as well and my seedlings are 7 days old and are so tall and skinny. tall being maybe 4inches.
is this normal?? my light is about 3inches from the plants.
Thanks my man ,

iv just seen to many of those long stretchy seedlings and people asking why its doing that

so i figured i would just start a simple easy thread ya know ...:peace:

Hi I am new and wondering if you could take a look at these,. please try to refrain from laughing when you see my novice set up, I am humbled.

2 florecent lights
75watts a piece

the top is layered with perlite due to fungas gnats that came with my soil

the seedlings are 1 week old. ( a couple a little younger)
they seem so tall and lanky... is this normal.....

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Hi I am new and wondering if you could take a look at these,. please try to refrain from laughing when you see my novice set up, I am humbled.

2 florecent lights
75watts a piece

the top is layered with perlite due to fungas gnats that came with my soil

the seedlings are 1 week old. ( a couple a little younger)
they seem so tall and lanky... is this normal.....

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not normally that lanky, No. .... Im guessing you dont use a fan to stimulate the stems. also. you want all the plant pots to be level, so raise the smaller ones... you probably stared with your light too high and at any rate you would do better with a T5 and not that bathroom light youre using.

not normally that lanky, No. .... Im guessing you dont use a fan to stimulate the stems. also. you want all the plant pots to be level, so raise the smaller ones... you probably stared with your light too high and at any rate you would do better with a T5 and not that bathroom light youre using.


there is zero breeze in the room, I open the door frequently so I thought the air flow would be enough, no I understand it is to strengthen them. I will put a small fan on them. should it blow directly on them?

also I am embarassed to ask... what is T5

I have 2 walmart CFL growlights. I understand this is barely what I need but I heard it will do the job...

ps. thank you for the advice,
there is zero breeze in the room, I open the door frequently so I thought the air flow would be enough, no I understand it is to strengthen them. I will put a small fan on them. should it blow directly on them?

also I am embarassed to ask... what is T5

I have 2 walmart CFL growlights. I understand this is barely what I need but I heard it will do the job...

ps. thank you for the advice,

The lights you have at the moment are sufficient for now. T5 lighting is also fluorescent lighting but optimised for growing plants...Look into it, they're great!!

In nature, wind stresses plants and they respond by growing stronger stems... Your plants need this too, a small fan will do, I would by a cheap 6" or similar and use on a low setting, so the plants are 'dancing' in the breeze.
The lights you have at the moment are sufficient for now. T5 lighting is also fluorescent lighting but optimised for growing plants...Look into it, they're great!!

In nature, wind stresses plants and they respond by growing stronger stems... Your plants need this too, a small fan will do, I would by a cheap 6" or similar and use on a low setting, so the plants are 'dancing' in the breeze.

Hi 5 thank you for the wonderful advice. !!!!!

Dude, You NEED to take the diffuser casing off your bathroom light immediatly. Its doing NO good for your plants and taking away useable light from your plants.

Dude, You NEED to take the diffuser casing off your bathroom light immediatly. Its doing NO good for your plants and taking away useable light from your plants.

OMG I feel like a fool. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! holy shit. I have learned so much today.
how bad is it if you dont do it? my plants are a little stretched but not much

are you talking about putting the fan on the plants, or taking the plastic piece off the lights?

either way I did both and my plants are doing soooo much better!! they are stronger and stand up striaght , they are branching out now instead of growing up. I planted them a little deeper to help bury the stem and put the plants about 1/2 inch from the lights. WAY better I must say.
also I topped the soil with 1-2 inches of play sand (due to fungus gnats that came in my MG) so far so good *fingers crossed*
Nice, I like the idea of burying stretchy stems. Smart.
I would like to add : of course roots will produce from that stem that you just buried. But, if you want to help that process, take a clean razor blade and make a few cuts in the section that'll be in the soil. Roots will come out of those cuts and this will give you a stronger root system starting at the top or middle of pot height (because all the older roots are at the bottom of the pot after burying).

i read all post to i came to this one cause i wanted to see how long it would take befor someone brought in the great art of cloning......i strip leaves to the point i wanna bury ,scrape that area with razor then take a Q-tip dip it in root tone and spread on scraped area ..i do break up dirt on roots so it can be buried deeper but it also produce's more root growth .. if u scrape the buried area it will grow roots quicker instead of growing threw hard wood ... i think this post is great but u forgot some things GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iv only had this problem once. and that was the only time i sprouted my babies inside. i usually sprout them outside that way they get plenty of real natural sunlight plus wind to strengthen the stems. now i just use clones off of my mother plant. up to 8th gen now.
iv only had this problem once. and that was the only time i sprouted my babies inside. i usually sprout them outside that way they get plenty of real natural sunlight plus wind to strengthen the stems. now i just use clones off of my mother plant. up to 8th gen now.

Im on my first grow. I got my plants stronger now by planting them deeper and putting a small fan on them so they get strong.
anyway... you said you take clones off your mother.... how many times can you clone one plant before it cant take anymore and then you need another? what is your system ?