Report on Quality and issues with Licenced Producers

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I suppose you can request you do not ever want irradiated shit at all before you order and every time you order as they would probably come back and say well you didn't ask for it that time..... trust corporations to always do the right thing.... seems only when the news gets involved they tend to do the right thing ...sort of ...... after the fact ...... how could you notice if your shit was irradiated anyway? would it taste different but if your trying a new strain would you notice.... would it have to milled to get all the spores???? anyone know that one?
oh yes rules are never broken when a dollar sign is there..... I'm not saying all LP's would do that but....... I'm sure some might if there bottom line would be affected greatly...... sort of we'll do it just this time till we get back on our feet and next time it will be proper
I ... how could you notice if your shit was irradiated anyway? would it taste different but if your trying a new strain would you notice.... would it have to milled to get all the spores???? anyone know that one?
I have know idea if you can tell by looking.....but when Iwas checking out pics of bedrocan buds.....that are irradiated. something about them just looked off. The trichomes almost looked fried.

Or maybe I'm just being super biased
I don't know how to post a link.
I suppose you can request you do not ever want irradiated shit at all before you order and every time you order as they would probably come back and say well you didn't ask for it that time..... trust corporations to always do the right thing.... seems only when the news gets involved they tend to do the right thing ...sort of ...... after the fact ...... how could you notice if your shit was irradiated anyway? would it taste different but if your trying a new strain would you notice.... would it have to milled to get all the spores???? anyone know that one?
Irradiation kills the terpenes. Hence all the nice fruity smells are gone.
LOL some of the reviews on the site are like stoners reviews not actual patient reviews... like you can only order 15g min from company X i would rather order 5g at a time. this product Y wasn't that great but I will order my fav product Z next time
yeah that sounds like a stoner going through the warez LOL.
some reviews were pretty good though had what buddy used to consume what it was like and what ya should probably use it for. No standard in pics to compare different LP's about it looking fried not sure ..... MJ always looked pretty freaky to me but yeah you can tell if something was dirt though as the fuzziness wasn't there(happy crystals)
LOL some of the reviews on the site are like stoners reviews not actual patient reviews... like you can only order 15g min from company X i would rather order 5g at a time. this product Y wasn't that great but I will order my fav product Z next time
yeah that sounds like a stoner going through the warez LOL.
some reviews were pretty good though had what buddy used to consume what it was like and what ya should probably use it for. No standard in pics to compare different LP's about it looking fried not sure ..... MJ always looked pretty freaky to me but yeah you can tell if something was dirt though as the fuzziness wasn't there(happy crystals)
Ya I agree.....not sure if it was on that particular site but one reviewer I read talks about how he smokes a joint then goes on a 6km run. Lol.... Never mentioned anything about medicinal effects. If I went for a 100 m run I'd have to be carried back on a Stretcher.

But who am I to judge. Just makes sense to me if your gonna post a review on a mmj Website you might wanna mention how that strain effected you medicinally.....
Hey Guys.

I wanted to say thanks for the kind words on the reviews. I am also glad they entertained you ;)

New reviews are being added all the time and starting in June MedBud will be reviewing the Delta9 collection.

Not really Surprised but I just found out tweed is pushing back their release again from the 30th to May 2nd . They say they wanna make sure distribution can handle the order demands..... Over the weekend. I say why the fuck aren't they Prepared. They already pushed the release back 5 times. How much more time do they need? Wtf is really going on wit them?
Inexperience is what is going on. Look at their garden look at their predictions of cannabinoid percentates. This is their first time growing and testing what they have grown.
How are they going to explain why they can`t reach 20% THC on any of their strains? Maybe they will blame the genetics?
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Tweed WILL be Irradiating (Cold Pasturization)
Wow, just wow. Released not 5 mins ago via Twitter and their website

Update Regarding the Status of Tweed's Products
May 01, 2014
To our Valued Customers,

At Tweed, our number one priority is to provide a wide variety of high quality medical marijuana. We aim to be a reliable partner that always has the supply of products that our customers require.

To date, we have fallen short. Although we targeted April for our first strains to be available, we will not be shipping until May. As a new company growing and harvesting our first batches, each step has taken longer than expected - particularly product testing. We have included a process called “cold pasteurization” (also known as irradiation) for our initial batches in order to provide the safest medicine possible. This process has taken extra time that we did not

With each passing week, we’ll be releasing more and more strains and in increasing volumes. We’ve already announced plans to accelerate construction, which will allow us to offer an extended variety and quantity of medicine. While we will likely experience more growing pains, the entire Tweed team is working to ensure that we
continue to be transparent, customer-focused, and committed to the highest standards in quality and variety.

Your support and patience is truly appreciated.

The Team at Tweed

The moldy marijuana gets zapped!
shouldn't have moldy meds in the first place. !!!
Obviously shit growing environment.
The sad truth hurts. Any person who has grown meds knows full well that a shit enviro will produce shit meds if any at all.

If they have to process their swag meds in order for them to be safe. WTF would anyone want their meds from a place like that?
Just crazy IMO.
Just a heads up... Delta -9 is not registering any more patients till end of June early July......".Please note at this time we have reached our maximum capacity in product that we can guarantee for our registered patients. This is in an effort to guarantee that we have a recurring supply for all of the patients that we register. We are anticipating to register more patients come the end of June when more product comes available. If you'd liked to be placed on our waiting list"

More frustrating news. Wanna jump ship from tweed....but there really isn't anywhere to jump to at the moment.....
imo you have to get mad at the gov or LP for not pulling there greedy ass rains in for a year and fully. properly have product for you all. rushing contructionÉ then thy rush growing and skip QA,
fools and rookies.
x 2
but those rookies are the ones who are going to growing shit for a lot of sick people.
I feel sorry for any med patient being stuck with this system.