
Bigger pot means bigger plant. I don't run auto's, but when I finally pop one of the free auto seeds that I got, I will still put it in the biggest pot I have ready. I use 15 gal pots for photos, but am sure the autos would appreciate the space too. I haven't grown an auto yet so I can't give any advice really, but it sounds logical that me. Here's what a 15 gal can do. It's day 25 in this pic.
I think I'll stick with the recommendations of the breeder who actually makes the autos.....if they say to start in small cups I have to believe they know what they're talking about.

try my method .......the results speak for themselves
jiffy plugs soaked in 2 quarts of water with 1 ml rapid start 1 ml b52 and 1/2 ml of gh grow

pull the plugs out squeeze it 3 times to get some of the water out .....cut off the top part of the mesh .....get a bic pen cap and sink it in the middle turn around then use it to put the seed in bulby end down pointy up

put in the green house and put the green house some place warm 80s ........take a small cup and fill with seltzer water and put inside the green house cover it up with the green house lid and make a small hole on the side high up (co2 is heavy gas as releases from the water it will push the oxygen out and pool near the seedlings) ......the rest of the 2 quarts of water u pour about half to 2/3 cup in the green house and the rest into the planter

in 4 to 6 days u will see healthy plants .....take the plug and put in the center of a 7 gallon planter and give it 1 quart of water same mix every 2 days a circle going from the center about 4 to 5 days u will need to increase the water and the feed at about 2 weeks u should be full feed and a gallon of water every 2 days to a 7 gallon planter with no run off

i done almost every method of growing looking for great repeatable results .......this is how i got it ......every strain is different in what they need and want so after about 3 runs with a strain i dialed the feed it wants in and are getting results of breeders

auto plants are all about FEED and WATER if u offer them enough u can make monster hydroplants

my first hydro auto flower experiment