Republcans: less popular than inanimate pet rocks


Well-Known Member
Why can't you admit the legacy of racism in America was started by democrats? You fucktards started an organisation you now hate - that's called blowback!
eche you look stupid..i've posted this many times in order to assist our non-american friends in understanding US history:

democrats of 1850 = republicans of 2013..the party roles were completely reversed.


New Member
eche you look stupid..i've posted this many times in order to assist our non-american friends in understanding US history:

democrats of 1850 = republicans of 2013..the party roles were completely reversed.
The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism -

"Ah, but this is all in the past," say the Democrats. "Now we push a pro-African-American agenda." But the reality differs significantly from the claim.

Take the issue of education. The single biggest obstacle to the achievement of true equality in the United States is not poverty, but education. If Democrats sincerely wished to help the minority children on whose behalf they claim to labor, they would embrace school choice to help such children escape the trap of sub-standard schools. But that would offend the teachers’ unions upon which the Democrats depend for financial and "in-kind" support. So as has often been the case with the group politics of the Democratic party, African-American interests are sacrificed to other groups who have more pull.

"Affirmative action" has become the touchstone of Democratic racial politics. Democrats portray anyone who opposes affirmative action as racist. But affirmative action, as currently practiced, is racist to the core. It is based on the assumption that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites
Your grip on reality is slipping woman, go take your pills...


Well-Known Member
The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism -

Your grip on reality is slipping woman, go take your pills...
Let's not forget the progressive hero FDR locked up an entire section of the American population based on race. You'll also notice most of the abortion arguments they present eventually uncover the desire to control population numbers and "welfare babies". LBJ and Gore's daddy led the opposition to civil rights in the 50's.

Schuy is trying to make the argument that FDR, LBJ and Gore would be republicans today, anyone else out there believe this?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
eche you look stupid..i've posted this many times in order to assist our non-american friends in understanding US history:

democrats of 1850 = republicans of 2013..the party roles were completely reversed.

Political parties are clubs that try to convince you when they steal from others they will split some of it with you. In that regard they are alike and remain so.


New Member
Let's not forget the progressive hero FDR locked up an entire section of the American population based on race. You'll also notice most of the abortion arguments they present eventually uncover the desire to control population numbers and "welfare babies". LBJ and Gore's daddy led the opposition to civil rights in the 50's.

Schuy is trying to make the argument that FDR, LBJ and Gore would be republicans today, anyone else out there believe this?
If I believe that, then i'd have to believe Wallace was a republican too...

edit - cue the dixiecrat myth


Well-Known Member
Holy Crap Smuck, don't look now but the congressional Dems just gave Ol' Barry the ultimatum. Fix this debacle by Friday or we are gonna vote for the Upton Bill, thereby wrecking your "signature plan/crowning non-acheivement" because we can't afford to follow your dumbass around blindly anymore. FECKIN' CLASSIC STUFF RIGHT THERE. And that Liberal roll of toilet paper called the Washington Post is even deserting him. My guess is Moochelle files for divorce soon. BTW, whil;e on that subject, don't you find it ODD that not one single photo exists from Barry and Moochelles wedding? No one in attendance took photos? LMFAO.....


New Member
Holy Crap Smuck, don't look now but the congressional Dems just gave Ol' Barry the ultimatum. Fix this debacle by Friday or we are gonna vote for the Upton Bill, thereby wrecking your "signature plan/crowning non-acheivement" because we can't afford to follow your dumbass around blindly anymore. FECKIN' CLASSIC STUFF RIGHT THERE. And that Liberal roll of toilet paper called the Washington Post is even deserting him. My guess is Moochelle files for divorce soon. BTW, whil;e on that subject, don't you find it ODD that not one single photo exists from Barry and Moochelles wedding? No one in attendance took photos? LMFAO.....
Hilarious that his own people are so pissed with him they are threatening to side with the opposition, even Clinton told him to fix his mess... Those pet rocks must be feeling good about expanding their voting base...