Republican Candidate Found Dead in Brothel

The United States has been Hijacked w/ Judge Anna Von Reitz

Judge Anna Von Reitz has been working for decades to understand and educate others on the legal structure of the American Government. She believes that "If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions." You can view hundreds of articles and resources on her website at She also does an additional exclusive segment for my Patreons on the historical structure of the ruling governments starting with the time of Rome and the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. You can see this at Stay informed! Sign up for my newsletter at

We know you are against many things.

What specifically are you for? What path forward do you endorse?

I endorse draining thee swamp (which is deep and wide), which includes both parties, CIA, NSA, DOJ, Federal Reserve, IMF, WHO, UN, FBI...
we'd all like to drain the swamp, and make the government be accountable for it's actions.
the question isn't what you'd like to happen....the question is what path do you think we should take to reach those goals....
educating and indoctrinating the young? armed insurrection? mass chanting? the ends are known, what means would you pursue to those ends?
The United States has been Hijacked w/ Judge Anna Von Reitz

Judge Anna Von Reitz has been working for decades to understand and educate others on the legal structure of the American Government. She believes that "If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions." You can view hundreds of articles and resources on her website at She also does an additional exclusive segment for my Patreons on the historical structure of the ruling governments starting with the time of Rome and the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. You can see this at Stay informed! Sign up for my newsletter at

You seriously need therapy
we'd all like to drain the swamp, and make the government be accountable for it's actions.
the question isn't what you'd like to happen....the question is what path do you think we should take to reach those goals....
educating and indoctrinating the young? armed insurrection? mass chanting? the ends are known, what means would you pursue to those ends?

Examine the means used? Excellent idea.

How could "government" possibly acquire powers or rights that no other individual people have?

That's impossible if government is really "just people".
Examine the means used? Excellent idea.

How could "government" possibly acquire powers or rights that no other individual people have?

That's impossible if government is really "just people".
that wasn't the question. don't try to hijack my responses to make your non points.
you seem to have this simplistic view of how things are "supposed to be".....
people cannot be trusted to do the right thing. people cannot be trusted to cooperate with each other. people flatly will not treat other people fairly if no one is forcing them to do so. so you want to remove all controls on people and trust them to do the right thing.....good motherfucking luck with that....
the government does suck. they do overstep their bounds. and we need them none the less, to prevent complete and total anarchy....
which you seem to advocate. which is deeply, profoundly, and sincerely stupid.
if you want to live off of the grid, then get the fuck off of it. quit texting, calling,'re a use all the things you say you hate....because how else could you tell all of us how fucked up we are for not agreeing with you?
that wasn't the question. don't try to hijack my responses to make your non points.
you seem to have this simplistic view of how things are "supposed to be".....
people cannot be trusted to do the right thing. people cannot be trusted to cooperate with each other. people flatly will not treat other people fairly if no one is forcing them to do so. so you want to remove all controls on people and trust them to do the right thing.....good motherfucking luck with that....
the government does suck. they do overstep their bounds. and we need them none the less, to prevent complete and total anarchy....
which you seem to advocate. which is deeply, profoundly, and sincerely stupid.
if you want to live off of the grid, then get the fuck off of it. quit texting, calling,'re a use all the things you say you hate....because how else could you tell all of us how fucked up we are for not agreeing with you?
Ever try decaf?