republicans not sure whether to go with racism or misogyny


Well-Known Member
you have your akins and mourdochs who want to force their talibanesque ideas on women who are victims of rape.

and then you have your sununus (<----palindrome, mother fucker!), who declare that colin powell only endorsed obama because they are both black. kind of like how sununu only endorses romney because they are both white.

so tell me, republicans, which one is it gonna be: misogyny or racism?



Well-Known Member
you have your akins and mourdochs who want to force their talibanesque ideas on women who are victims of rape.

and then you have your sununus (<----palindrome, mother fucker!), who declare that colin powell only endorsed obama because they are both black. kind of like how sununu only endorses romney because they are both white.

so tell me, republicans, which one is it gonna be: misogyny or racism?

You are the racist


Well-Known Member
Last night a friend asked me what I thought of this election, and I went on a rant.
This is the gist of my thoughts last night. I'm not saying it's right, but no one can say it's wrong. It's my opinion and we've all got one.

I personally think we the people are the immune system of this Nation. The republicans have tried as hard as possible to put the power of this country in the hands of a select few with power and money which even in this election the ticket they are running on While the Democrats are trying to put the power and representation back where it belongs in the middle class. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ROMNEY'S MIDDLE CLASS EITHER. The Republicans have effectively crippled the immune system of this nation aligning themselves and developing a symbiotic relationship with those with power or money fueled by their sense of entitlement to run this country and push their agenda at any cost. People talk about the rich and poor gap without much understanding as to what it means for this country. The balance in representation is VERY important to the long term representation of the middle class in this country. The majority of the country must always have the majority of representation in order to act as an effective immune system for this nation, and to uphold this DEMOCRATIC form of government we hold dear yet we know that this is NOT the reality in our Government today. Big Money wins out 99% of the time in the end(could that have to do with the fact that they have 99% of the money?) When there exists a nation where 1% of the population has 99% of the power, money and representation in the Government I would call that communism. The Republicans support it and are still attempting to continue this course of action. They want power, control and feel a sense of entitlement to run this country whether they are right or wrong as well as impose blocks against our liberties if it suits their agenda. I don't think the Democrats care too much about who's president as long as the middle class-poor are taken care of while being equally represented and our rights are not violated by the ideals of the Religious Right who's Moral backbone has been historically courted and used by Republicans. I have my faith, and would die for it, but I won't impose it on others in this country if it means taking away any of the freedoms enjoyed by me, or hinders their pursuit of happiness which is what this country is founded on. There will have to be a measure of tolerance to other belief systems even though this country is a Christian country. I won't let my faith be as a bull ring in my nose either. Just because you are a Christian does NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO VOTE REPUBLICAN. It is my belief that if Obama wins we as a nation will be better represented and have more control over our Government and the future of this country. I'm not a yellow dog, and am not even a Democrat. I just want to be represented as equally as the guy who own 5 houses, 3 businesses, and has 5,000,000 in the bank which is the way it should be. Those are my thoughts anyways.


Well-Known Member
No shit right. And then invade a country for the same type of shit.
but in the national security debate, romney said women needed equality.

but he refuses to say he would support the lily ledbetter act and pals around with misogynists.

so much for that.


Well-Known Member
I just want to be represented as equally as the guy who own 5 houses, 3 businesses, and has 5,000,000 in the bank which is the way it should be. Those are my thoughts anyways.
You (we) are represented more than equally. The guy makin millions is payin way more taxes than I am. If I make say 50k a year I'll pay around 15k. Guy makes 5 million pays ??? 1 million after finding buncha loopholes?? Now what does the millionaire dude get that I don't? We use the same roads, same firefighters, cops, hospitals, .....
Thing is he's got 5 million bucks and people around him are willing to upsell to him so they can get some a his cash too. So he can afford better doctors, lawyers, neighborhood... But hey he busted his ass to get that shit so I ain't gonna hold it against him. We all play by the same rules, some just play the game better. Just depends on what your into.
It used to be that when rich peeps got richer the middle class got richer. But now the rich folks have taken their marbles to China, India, South America........ So all us back here are fucked no matter who seems to run things. You can't keep a country this large functioning on a service oriented economy forever.

The folks that really run things are gonna take their game where they can make the most profit. No such thing as patriotism or loyalty to the folks that got them there in the first place just profit. So now some of the 3rd world counties are experiencing their industrial revolution, and we left back here, need to find a new way to get by.
Hey I know lets legalize pot, get some hemp growin, start makin stufff outa it, create jobs, people make more money, can pay their bills and taxes so that the politicians can give themselves a raise. And some more peeps get rich sellin their hemp and herb and they create jobs so that other peeps can afford a little of the extra stuff available like better doctors and such. thing is with government health care the folks with more money are gonna buy better care anyway. Do you really think the government would want to get in the health-care biz if it wasn't profitable for them? And hell this just scratches the surface....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you have your akins and mourdochs who want to force their talibanesque ideas on women who are victims of rape.

and then you have your sununus (<----palindrome, mother fucker!), who declare that colin powell only endorsed obama because they are both black. kind of like how sununu only endorses romney because they are both white.

so tell me, republicans, which one is it gonna be: misogyny or racism?


If those white devils felt the true spirit of the honorable Elijah Mohammed, they could have both!!

bonus points if you read that in Louis Farrakhan's voice.


Well-Known Member

If those white devils felt the true spirit of the honorable Elijah Mohammed, they could have both!!

bonus points if you read that in Louis Farrakhan's voice.
how active has he been in campaigning for obama?

does he often do interviews on CNN?

is he running for senate?

false equivalence, i bestow thee into dr. kynes.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

never seen that guy act as a surrogate for obama, and i'm not sure, but i don't think he is running for elected office, unlike the bigots and misogynists of the republican party.

try again, FE.
i guess you dont watch much BET...

(thats Black Entertainment Television, a satellite network aimed at the urban youth, for those of you in oregon.)


Well-Known Member
i guess you dont watch much BET...

(thats Black Entertainment Television, a satellite network aimed at the urban youth, for those of you in oregon.)
is perpetuating racist stereotypes a favorite past time for you?

i ask because of your awesome work in the "oh pity me, i'm a white conservative male" thread that DEA dude, whose posts are more fit for stormfront than rollitup, started.

it seems like you live to point out how hard it is to be a white conservative male and how horrible and irresponsible these darkies are.

but hey, you do oppose multiculturalism and go to bat for the birchers. to each his own, i suppose.


Well-Known Member
why in the hell were kynes' and mine musings over judaism deleted?

what in the fuck is that all about? we were being civil.