
Oh my mistake I thought you were one of those fools blindly trusting trump to save them. Sincerest apologies.
Apology accepted.

I said Trump could not win the nomination and he did. I said Trump could not win the presidency and he did. I think his presidency will be a disaster for the country, hope I'm wrong again for the sake of our country.
Focus on the Canadian patient's face as Moore explains how the American patient was forced to spend multiple thousands to salvage his own fingers.

The consummate moron and septic tank leech, good ol' clueless ANALEXCESS.

It'd be a real shame if you sustained a vicious injury and couldn't afford the needed treatment. A gaping laceration from ear to ear, for example.

Look at all of those pissed off Canucks that have to endure their socilaized health care! Poor bastards
A healthcare plan lasts for a year. The companies arent going anywhere. Trump has spoken in favor of keeping the rule that you cannot be denied insurance for preexisting conditions.

And Trump is a moron. How on earth do you think a system can afford people with VERY expensive pre-existing conditions, if there is no type of mandate guaranteeing that everyone has skin in the game? If you give young, healthy people the option of not buying in then the system will colapse. The numbers do not add up Pie. Trump does not know what he's talking about!
Trump is gonna go after drug prices. Watch.

Bernie Sanders just introducded legislation allowing us to negoiate drug prices and buy cheaper drugs from places like Canada. The Republicans in congress (including 10 fucking Democrats on the take) just voted it down. We will continue to pay the highest drug prices on the planet. Donald Trump does not have a magic wand pie.
Bernie Sanders just introducded legislation allowing us to negoiate drug prices and buy cheaper drugs from places like Canada. The Republicans in congress (including 10 fucking Democrats on the take) just voted it down. We will continue to pay the highest drug prices on the planet. Donald Trump does not have a magic wand pie.

Jesus, really???
Jesus Christ. What possible excuse would they have to support the extraordinary profits of the billionaires at the expense of the rest of us.

I want to blow something up. I wish people could get blind mad and raise hell. Visit some politicians at their home en masse. Maybe a couple three hundred mad-as-hell people on your front lawn will remind the fuckers who they represent
Sunday, Jan 15 rallies to show support for affordable healthcare will be held at locations across the country. Show up and represent.

During his town hall on CNN tonight, Bernie Sanders talked about 30 or more healthcare rallies that are planned for Sunday, January 15 as part of “Our First Stand.” These rallies are in protest of the Republicans’ decision to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which could leave 20 million Americans without health insurance. We have all the details on when and where these rallies taking place on Jan. 15.

For those who might not care for Sanders, this is not just a Bernie Sanders event, Democratic members of Congress, trade unions, senior groups, and activists will join together to show their support for continuing the Affordable Care Act.