

Well-Known Member
I have to tip my hat to the brain trust in the Republican party who decide to replaced the Affordable Health Care Act with something "better and more affordable". Why didn't the Democrats think of that? It is easy to see why America elected a President who is so smart and has such amazing words.

So what will we end up with? Will the Republicans pass a replacement plan simultaneous to repealing the ACA or is that yet another TRUMP! lie?

Hmmm, looks like healthcare cost increases were growing under the previous administration at a much higher rate than under Obama. And those healthcare premiums were attached to plans which the insurance companies could drop you from if you or a family member actually got sick - not like today.

How odd that TRUMP! only focuses on real issues if can derive political gain from them. I wonder what his actual policies will look like. Better and more affordable.

Better and more affordable?

I am sure he will get to this after he finishes that swamp draining and hate tweeting.
anything will go up when you make it mandatory..... your chart is misleading. 1988 to about 2000 my insurance was paid 100% by my employer...... now for wife and I it is over $400 per month. If it weren't for my employer paying a share who knows how high it would be.
Got to be something better.
anything will go up when you make it mandatory..... your chart is misleading. 1988 to about 2000 my insurance was paid 100% by my employer...... now for wife and I it is over $400 per month. If it weren't for my employer paying a share who knows how high it would be.
Got to be something better.
So you wouldn't replace what we have until a "better" alternative exists?

You might want to consider that a lot has changed since 1988. The number of full time workers has dropped dramatically since then due to massive changes in the market. Walmart is the largest employer in America but Walmart workers are the largest single group of welfare recipients. Why not go back to the 50s? The good old days when America was proud of beating the Axis and our economy floated on a bubble created by a devastating war that left much of the world in tatters. why didn't Obama brings those days back again?
Sorry to reply twice @DG1959 , but what is misleading about that chart? You said it was misleading but then you gave evidence that did not address the graph at all. In fact it anecdotally supports it.

The rate of increase was much higher under Bush than Obama. Period. So what is misleading?

On top of it, under the ACA, millions of uninsured are now insured. So why are we prioritizing scrapping it before a better plan exists?
I have zero faith in any kind of program that benifits the poor or middle class coming from the rebublicans.
Maybe they will write a law where poor people work for rich people in order to get some of their pristine health care? Well, work for healthcare coverage.
Yup, that's my bet. The republicans will bring back slavery as their new "health care initiative". And trump supporters will think "it's a solid plan".
I have zero faith in any kind of program that benifits the poor or middle class coming from the rebublicans.
Maybe they will write a law where poor people work for rich people in order to get some of their pristine health care? Well, work for healthcare coverage.
Yup, that's my bet. The republicans will bring back slavery as their new "health care initiative". And trump supporters will think "it's a solid plan".
Medicaid will still exist.
I don't have a lot of Medicaid knowledge; but it is my understanding that before Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) there were a lot more uncovered/ uninsured people. What happens to those millions of people? Shit out of luck?
Until the republicans "superior" plan comes out, that is.

Medicaid took care of people with no money before Obamacare.

It was a lie that we didnt already have universal care.
Oh yes I've heard of how great the American health care system has been for decades now.
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I understand you are doing everything in your power to make us Europe. Our ancestors risked their lives because they were so fed up with all the bureaucracy and taxation....

Healthcare is not a right, the bill of rights is protections against government interference in our lives. Suddenly now healthcare is a right that you are forced to pay for or be fined. Wow, such beneficence of our government... Oh wait....

Now I have to prove I have health insurance or pay a fine so they can re-distribute my paycheck to those who dont pay for healthcare.
I understand you are doing everything in your power to make us Europe. Our ancestors risked their lives because they were so fed up with all the bureaucracy and taxation....

Healthcare is not a right, the bill of rights is protections against government interference in our lives. Suddenly now healthcare is a right that you are forced to pay for or be fined. Wow, such beneficence of our government... Oh wait....

Now I have to prove I have health insurance or pay a fine so they can re-distribute my paycheck to those who dont pay for healthcare.

Ahhh poor xlanus, can't afford to be a part of society.
Oh yes I've heard of how great the American health care system has been for decades now.

Focus on the Canadian patient's face as Moore explains how the American patient was forced to spend multiple thousands to salvage his own fingers.

Medicaid took care of people with no money before Obamacare.

It was a lie that we didnt already have universal care.

The consummate moron and septic tank leech, good ol' clueless ANALEXCESS.

It'd be a real shame if you sustained a vicious injury and couldn't afford the needed treatment. A gaping laceration from ear to ear, for example.