Reputable website to buy lights?


hey everyone, i've been doing a windowsill grow up to this point while i've been desperately searching for a good light system on craigslist, but it looks like i'm not going to find it in time, as my plants are already mature enough that they desperately need the light, so im looking online for good hydroponics supply.

anyway, i'm looking for a 400 watt system, as cheap as possible as long as its reliable and safe. i've been looking at lumatek digital ballasts, but i need a good site to buy from (a newegg for hydroponics, as it were)

where does everyone buy their equipment? or does anyone have an old system they would be willing to sell to me at a decent price?

thanks for any help, im just interested in a cheap, safe system at this point


Active Member
htgsupply seems to get good reviews. I just ordered my 600w system from them, and it was shipped the very next day. I expect to have it by the end of the week, so Ill let you know how it turns out.. :bigjoint:


Active Member

best prices, and there is a 10% off code that many people on RIU have. I got a 1000w lumatek for $299~ shipped :mrgreen:
I have ordered from they are also on EBay. I have also read from a lot of people that if you have any trouble with their lights they are quick to replace the only thing that I didn't like was that the shipping was a little high. You might check on ebay for them I think they offer free shipping on there.