
Fuck rep, any experienced grower should be getting credits towards free beans upon giving solid
Well, this may have already been said here and I am sure it has been said before. but, after 11 rep bars I lost interest anyway. I do enjoy giving rep to those who deserve it. But I would rather give them props on the thread or post they made that deserved the rep. Reputation can be skewed it is the quality of the words and credability of the information that matters.

might be nice to have a way to -REP
Rep this Rep that...does anybody really care...hmmm
I guess so. It's kind of childish...but, what the is a kind of entertainment.:leaf:

So, Rep away if you like.:bigjoint:
LMFAO and i've maxed out my rep giving for the day, booooooo, neo i'll get ya tomorrow, i repped 2 many people trying to hit ya back , bzzzzzzzzzzz

I think it was about 75 rep points, damn i wish the amount was indicated,sorry sweety i got a few and it was hard to track lol, oh where is mellokitty she luvs rep bombing, but it was more fun when it was anonymous, darn i need a few more to hit the 10000mark ! lol Only then will i truly be cool ;)

oh how i miss rep-bombing. fun game while it lasted. *sigh*

edit: just for the record, the rules were (yes there were rules): random, not negative. if you could come up with a rep message that verged on creepy without being negative, bonus points. :lol:
You all think I'm kidding, but there should be some incentive here. I get tired of dispelling myths and such with no thanks other than human appreciation/good karma etc.

I want something tangible for my efforts, like a nice glass bong or perhaps a plot of land up high in Central America...and throw in a half dozen local naked virgins to harvest and trim.


I'd settle for the
Yeah. I should be able to redeem Rep Points for RIU Rewards™ ... with a glossy brochure showing the merch ... cn
You all think I'm kidding, but there should be some incentive here. I get tired of dispelling myths and such with no thanks other than human appreciation/good karma etc.

I want something tangible for my efforts, like a nice glass bong or perhaps a plot of land up high in Central America...and throw in a half dozen local naked virgins to harvest and trim.


I'd settle for the

I think the incentive is that you get to enjoy these forums for free.
...... wait.... that's NOT what the lace n frills thread is for? :oops:

What ... and run afoul of the resident Rut Squad? Some of'em are wielding swords, fer grief's sake.
I was thinking more of the Fostiest Bud thread, myself. Or Sr. Verde's Concentrate Corner. ~grin~ cn
What ... and run afoul of the resident Rut Squad? Some of'em are wielding swords, fer grief's sake.
I was thinking more of the Fostiest Bud thread, myself. Or Sr. Verde's Concentrate Corner. ~grin~ cn

oh, well in that case, i'll be camped out in the harvesting and curing section after pulling a drive-by on the seed collectors..... ;)