Requirements to grow JUST 2 plants

So i've been smoking weed for a fair few years now, and i am now in the financial state to be able think about growing.
My question is fairly simple yet possibly demanding, and if there is any kind soul out there please give it a shot.

What are all the requirements/needs/materials/products and anything else you can think of needed to grow just 2 short/medium marijuana plants Indoors

Odor wont be a problem as my house has a embedded scent already ;)

Id like to thank in advance for any advice given :) and would also want to clarify that im not lazy expecting everything to be just laid out, ive been doing research for a while but what i lack is experience and hopefully that will be shared here.
Thanks ;)
You need a cabinet or closet. lights I'm using fluorescent cause there not to hot and they at cheap soil seeds or clones and lots of patients
lights: to get a solid yeild id go with a 600 watt hps light. you could go smaller, say a 400, but if you want to be proud of them then 600s the way to go. youll need an inline fan and exhaust sytem to control the heat output. edit: im suggesting these lights bcuz i figured you want monster plants, if you just want to small plants 350w will be plenty
soil: id suggest gettang an all organic soil mix with a good amount of perlite already mixed in and maybe add some more after
pots: 3-5 gallons should be fine
nutrients: you need a basic A&B nutrient product (N.P.K) as well as a cal/mag addative (Ca/Mg). it would also be helpful to consider root builders like Great Wgite as well as molasses addatives. when your flowering, get a couple bloom nutrients.

Things to check
PH-should be maintained between 5.9 and 6.5
ppm (parts per million): checkssalinity and disolved contents in water, way to check nutrient absorption.
temperature: 72-80 during day, no lower than 65 at night
Humidity:clone-90%, veg-60%, flower-50%
lights: not too close, too hot, definatly no light leaks during flowering
watering: once again not too much, not too little, not to often. to check this, lift your dry plants in there pots alot and know there weight, when there heavy, they have water when there light they dont. let the soil dry almost all the way out during the beggining stages, you want the roots to stretch ot for the water.

hope this gets you off your feet, goodluck man