Research and results with far red leds (730nm)

Wow this is a turn up for the books lol... last time I read your journals (granted it was a while ago) I seem to remember you saying budmaster COBs were great for trich production but lacking in terms of yield, whereas I seem to recount the Advanced light gave you highest gpw and quality was right up there as well...

Has Budmasters lights surpassed Advanced lights in terms of quality and yield?
Wow this is a turn up for the books lol... last time I read your journals (granted it was a while ago) I seem to remember you saying budmaster COBs were great for trich production but lacking in terms of yield, whereas I seem to recount the Advanced light gave you highest gpw and quality was right up there as well...

Has Budmasters lights surpassed Advanced lights in terms of quality and yield?
I can't accurately say since I have never run side by sides in controlled environments. I like both brands. They are very similar but the unequal wattages really wouldnt' allow for an accurate comparison. Both are very good for prebuilt/manufactured lights.
Interesting. So blue alone is not good for Cannabis. Some other plants maybe.

Wait, you mean you were full of shit in 2015 when you made the claim that a pulse of blue light after the pulse of 730nm wouldn't rewake the plant? I'm surprised I missed that for so long.

You need to give them some pure blue light right after the FR to make them get shorter. In fact, you could run blue light all through the dark period because it has no effect on inhibiting flowering.

and running it all night would probably have some negative results

Have you ever considered filtering the bullshit out of what you write before posting? It would be a lot better for everyone if you didn't make unfounded claims in the first place in which you have no experience or solid evidence to back up your claim. (reproducability would be a great start). Honestly, I'm surprised I missed this one.

Let me clear this up for the noobs who don't want to ruin their crop based on confusing bad advice with facts. Make sure the lights are turned off during the dark period.
Cheers for the input Icemud, I have got much respect for your A1 testing and unbiased/balanced reviews ;)

Thanks Johnny.... I was just a grower watching people get lied to, screwed over by bad products, so much misinformation going around that I try my best to provide factual info. I may not be 100% correct all the time, but I try my best to only supply information that is backed up by research or personal tests. :) I appreciate the kudos :)

For some reason ever since I was a kid I have been facinated with lights so I just took my interest and started to go really deep in research in plant lighting... what sucks is so much is still unknown about plant lighting responses that new studies are coming out daily with the development of mono LED's allowing for better research to be conducted. I think just 2 or 3 years ago they found plants have UVR8 receptors specific to UV light...
Seems you really do learn something new everyday because UVR8 receptors are a new one for me, thanks a lot man:).

Yeah I remember I used to love reading yours and jandre k's threads, although I have forgotten what forum it was on, I always found them to be in depth and informative so kudos where kudos is due:clap:

The last time I saw you it seemed like you might get into the lighting game one day, have you progressed on that front or are you sticking to being a tester?
Seems you really do learn something new everyday because UVR8 receptors are a new one for me, thanks a lot man:).

Yeah I remember I used to love reading yours and jandre k's threads, although I have forgotten what forum it was on, I always found them to be in depth and informative so kudos where kudos is due:clap:

The last time I saw you it seemed like you might get into the lighting game one day, have you progressed on that front or are you sticking to being a tester?

Well I still hope someday to do it, but I have nowhere near enough capital to get it going. I also now work for a very large upcomming cultivation company and they had their own LED design built for a specific purpose for vertical cultivation. I helped improve their lights by using what I know to upgrade things on their panels and increased yield 8% and THC content by 3% over existing models in controlled side by side grows. I can't say much more about the products or details because of disclosure agreements and such but it was a step in the right direction.

I still would like to as I know I could build some bad ass panels, but with LED they almost have to be built custom for each grow style, environment and type of grow room to really be the most effective so it would be a lot of cost up front before I could be cash flow positive unless I just marketed to home growers, which then I would join the crowd of probably 100 other LED grow light companies. Also, because of the longevity of LED's, I don't know how sustainable the business would be unless order quantities were extremely high to drive cost down where others couldn't compete.

I know I could go the route of 90% of the LED companies and just buy some overseas junk and rebrand it, but then I would be doing everything I despise about the current state of the industry. Plus I could never have my products made in China and having them built in the USA with the cost of labor would make it very hard to stay competitive, and I personally would never want to manufacture in China because I believe in supporting American workers and not supporting under valued labor.
Well I still hope someday to do it, but I have nowhere near enough capital to get it going. I also now work for a very large upcomming cultivation company and they had their own LED design built for a specific purpose for vertical cultivation. I helped improve their lights by using what I know to upgrade things on their panels and increased yield 8% and THC content by 3% over existing models in controlled side by side grows. I can't say much more about the products or details because of disclosure agreements and such but it was a step in the right direction.

Well done man:clap:, you certainly got the experience/expertise what with all those test grows you did, so glad to see it has paid dividends, seem to remember you landing that job right around the time you were looking for one, guess it's the perfect job for ya and well deserved:D

I still would like to as I know I could build some bad ass panels, but with LED they almost have to be built custom for each grow style, environment and type of grow room to really be the most effective so it would be a lot of cost up front before I could be cash flow positive unless I just marketed to home growers, which then I would join the crowd of probably 100 other LED grow light companies. Also, because of the longevity of LED's, I don't know how sustainable the business would be unless order quantities were extremely high to drive cost down where others couldn't compete.

The great LED conundrum of too much choice lol, whereas as with HID you were pretty limited as to how you could grow with them, because the lights need to be hung far away and what with heat issues, with the emergence of viable LED tech those limitations have all but been removed which allows for plenty variation as to how to grow. So I definitely hear what you are saying with regards to LEDs being custom built to suit a specific grow styles. Reckon as a starting point you marketing a light to the hobbyist isn't such a bad idea seeing as you know what it's all about:wink:

I know I could go the route of 90% of the LED companies and just buy some overseas junk and rebrand it, but then I would be doing everything I despise about the current state of the industry. Plus I could never have my products made in China and having them built in the USA with the cost of labor would make it very hard to stay competitive, and I personally would never want to manufacture in China because I believe in supporting American workers and not supporting under valued labor.

Yeah stay on the true path brother... Far too many folk sell out for coin when they should be doing things because they primarily love it... If you do something you love, you will always do it well, and as a direct result people tend to notice when something has been done properly, and as a byproduct they'll willing pay you, whether it be services or goods. Sadly far too many folk are money hungry yet they lack passion, and as a result that is reflected in their cheap and nasty products/services... Plus as you correctly mentioned those poor Chinese folk are pretty much working a slave wage, whilst the companies gangmasters cream off mega profitts from crappy products... net result 2 losers (workers and the customers) and 1 undeserved winner:evil:
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