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It's S1 in the usa and that means you have to go dark to find it , But Why would you want to fuck with something so stupid is beyond me especially when there is so much cannabis out there these days, but to each there own. No judgement mate. Have fun
Ok so I'm a little green when it comes to this so what's a s1.. Also if I don't know how to go dark is their a way to extract the chemical from any type of legal product sold in the USA?
S1 is schedule 1 drug , Dark is the dark web. I wouldn't have the slightest idea mate but even if there was I'm almost positive its be a pretty complex process, sorry I cant be more help.....
Ok thank it possible to access the dark web with only a 4g phone and no access to an actual computer
I'm asking dumb fuck cause I don't know, if you only got some slick shit to say, why don't you get out your mom's basement n go walk in front of a bus
I'm asking dumb fuck cause I don't know, if you only got some slick shit to say, why don't you get out your mom's basement n go walk in front of a bus
So, use google......
Btw it’s a slab on grade, so I live in the main floor, get it right dick!
what is the deal with JWH-250? I wikipedia it and it is just marijuana without the marijuana.... WTF? why would you be in desperate need of JWH-250? What the fuck is going on with the youth these days? Grow some god damn weed . I thought it was gonna be some opium derived shit or something addictive... jeezus crispo.... get a good drug like LSD or shrooms or something fun. god damn fake weed ... wtf man