Their are few interesting topics in this thread... one being that of LSA! The whole process with the seeds seem to be one big pain the ass and in the cranium. Ahhhhhhh LSA seems so close the alphabetical sequence or chemistry organization of LSD. The experience is quite dirty from a third party prospective. I too was thinking about commiting myself to the seed but after some extra consideration find it to be a waste of time and headspace. This is a naturally occuring psychedelic found in morning glory seeds or hawaiian baby woodrose seeds... the extraction of the hawaiian seems much more suitable and worthy of consumption... however the body load contributed to the experience seems to farfetched to play around with. The physcial attributes that it brings to bear seem very alarming as it causes most uses to become immobile. Again this doesn't bring to the table that the consumption is a bit of a hassle and may cause some stomach problems, but I wont emphasize on that too much since many psychedelics cause stomach issues (as they may interfere with the many serotonin glands that are arranged there). However, taking some Tubs or Immodium AD might give some relief from any of the above stated problems. Although, I have read several reports on LSA and they seem to give LSA a thumbs up for the effects and the aftermath. I wonder how many other psychedelics they have consumed... its like some people saying hell's bells is awesome, which in all due respect are direly wrong. If they knew any better its a poison, a deliriant.. and its not to heighten the senses its to stripe the knowing of senses, to remove and crush ones identity. I am still in the middle... I think I might be purchasing some hawaiian seeds and see whether or not its a farce based on bad subjective accounts. Anyone have some personal accounts from their LSA trips... and not to secondary cites that refer to erowid either!