Reservoir DIY Or What's The Dilly...


Well-Known Member
Getting ready to build still gotta order more equipment.. I always get hung up on dumb shit like what size net pots I should use lol..
So you're saying u don't top feed anymore, if so how'd u get the seed going before the roots hit the water?
A seedling doesnt really need much water and most dont start feeding until they see 2 sets of true leaves or at least 10-14 days of veg growth to let the root systems develop fully. I used the top-feed for just my first grow then ditched it afterwards. I made a mini-bubbler out of a plastic Folgers can until the plant was big enough for the 7g tote reservoir. I also used rockwool then and I use rapid rooters now. Rockwool tends to hold onto water for longer than rapid rooters do in my experiences so you have to make sure you cover it from direct light or the nute salt buildup could develop some algae growth. That kinda veered me from using the top feed as well. More of my mistake in not having them fully covered due to newbness, but you grow and learn. I've also been playing with a diy flood table here recently filling with just hydroton. Im thinking that top feed in THAT case will be more beneficial than with bucket/tote dwc ;) Handwatering a little bit every other day with just ph'd water works fine for a lot of peepz :D


Active Member
It's a nice way for me to always have something going on. i keep the Veg room going year round. That way I have my outdoor plants ready for the spring planting
and in the fall when I fire up the Flower room I have plenty of teens ready. I don't flower inside during the summer due to to heat. I hate running the big room in the summer.
A/C can really run up the bill on top of 6k watts of lights.

This room has one 4ft 8 bulb T-5 fixture and a 4ft two bulb fluorescent. One 110 liter per minute air pump runs all diffusers for bubbles. I quit using cheap air stones years ago.

Like I said before, and I'll say it again.

Gotta get creative. Try different things. Of all the pictures posted by others on RIU
rarely do you see an identical set up. Put on the thinking cap. Take a toke r two of some rippin Sativa.
Then engage the mind.


Well-Known Member
I kind of wish there was a low profile cheap system I could get instead of building one and risking messing it up... Not that I'm lazy but my seeds should be here soon and I'm anxious to start
Building your own system is half the fun! Be prepared for failure, tho.


Awesome! Thanks for the feedback, heading out today to get a hole saw and stopping in the local grow shop to see what they got. Decided to go with panda film instead of Mylar to box out the attic. Also going to pick up a manual hand pump for res changes while I'm out... I want to have everything set up by the time the seeds come, waiting on bubbleicious from nirvana I've read nothing but good shit about that strain. Can't wait to get the party started!!


Wth why can't I find a good priced package deal on CMH lights that includes everything like I can with the MH/HPS? I thought they been out for awhile now...


All 5 seeds popped but they all died on me.. I believe I had the water level too high (in after thought) and it drowned them out in the rockwool =(... Oh well, got even more seeds coming and I'm trying again