Reservoir Drain, where to find one? How do you drain?


Well-Known Member
You can find that at most hydro stores or as you found, on line. Unfortunatly you are stuck paying about $10 for them.Right now i have a 50 gal res that i only fill up 30 gal.I have to pull out my res. and pull the water/nutes out 1 five gal. bucket at a time.What a pain in the ass.The hydro guy that i go see has those petcock drain plugs, and he wants $9. for them,I too think its rediculous,but so is pulling out a 50 gal res with 30 gal in it and dipping buckets in till i can pick up the res and dump it

Illegal Smile

Plumbing supply stores have valves. I put them as low as I can without curvature getting in the way of a good seal. I drain 2 gal at a time into a bucket and carry it away. Another reason I don't want to grow on a larger scale. For a small veg setup where the 3 gal of water is well elevated, I just siphon it out.


Well-Known Member
I dont do hydro but couldn't you just use your water pump that is in the res to pump out your water?

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
You can find that at most hydro stores or as you found, on line. Unfortunatly you are stuck paying about $10 for them.Right now i have a 50 gal res that i only fill up 30 gal.I have to pull out my res. and pull the water/nutes out 1 five gal. bucket at a time.What a pain in the ass.The hydro guy that i go see has those petcock drain plugs, and he wants $9. for them,I too think its rediculous,but so is pulling out a 50 gal res with 30 gal in it and dipping buckets in till i can pick up the res and dump it
Are you able to point me in a direction to look other than for this part?

I have looked on just about every on line site i know, and the same manufactured valve, but they are in line. I can not find one that is threaded on one side, and barbed on the other.


Well-Known Member
I just baught 15 feet of 1/2" hose, a tee, and 2 inline valves. Now I just can switch the valves, turn the pump on and it will drain to the bath tub. I can also turn the pump off and put fresh water in the same end and it fills the tank. No more lugging water anymore yay :clap:


Well-Known Member
Are you able to point me in a direction to look other than for this part?

I have looked on just about every on line site i know, and the same manufactured valve, but they are in line. I can not find one that is threaded on one side, and barbed on the other.
You probably are not going to find one threaded on one side and barbed the other.The only way ive found them is barbed both sides.All you have to do is get a rubber grommit for the tub and pop one barbed end into the center of the grommit.


New Member
You could just use a Python venturi siphoner. They are attached to your nearest sink faucet. They actually siphon the water out of the reservoir. Just Google Phython Venturi or Python Aquarium Products. They sue quite a bit of tap water though.

If you just want to put in a drain use a uniseal and just stick apiece of PVC pipe with a ball valve into the uniseal. Cheap, adaptable, easy and very effective. Uniseals can even be used on curved surfaces.


Well-Known Member
Go to home depot, in the sink repair section, they have a piece that is threaded on one side and sits in the sink drain. I just drilled a 1/2" hole through the top, screwed a valve on it and put a barbed end on the end. Hook up a piece of flexible tubing and your off. Even comes with a gasket, still would recommend some silicone. Draining like this from the bottom of your res is by far the easiest. I had a pump set up, but you always end up with 1" or so at the bottom of the res. Plus, it's one more thing to plug in. I drain into 5 gallon buckets. Veg is only 3 gals, flower is 6 gals. Dump them outside. Also made a tub with a float valve, makes having 20 gallons of RO water a breeze now. Wastewater drains right into the houses more flooding my basement because I got too stoned to shut the water off.


Well-Known Member
so I hooked up a couple of hose ends and some valves. Through the floor and out to the flower bed via gravity.

And the refill is a piece of cake now.

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
You could just use a Python venturi siphoner. They are attached to your nearest sink faucet. They actually siphon the water out of the reservoir. Just Google Phython Venturi or Python Aquarium Products. They sue quite a bit of tap water though.

If you just want to put in a drain use a uniseal and just stick apiece of PVC pipe with a ball valve into the uniseal. Cheap, adaptable, easy and very effective. Uniseals can even be used on curved surfaces.

Wow that Uniseal product is really cool. I wonder why I have never seen this before. Seems like it could have a lot of uses.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member

SizeDimensionsPrice for Fitting
(includes 1 gasket)Price for Gasket**
(only)ABC871-002*1/4"7/8"1-7/16"1-1/8"$11.17 $2.17 871-003*3/8"1"1-7/16"1-1/8"$11.25 $2.18 871-0051/2"1-1/4"2-1/8"2-3/8"$11.53 $2.07 871-0073/4"1-5/8"2-5/16"2-3/8"$12.74 $2.24 871-0101"1-7/8"2-9/16"2-3/8"$13.81 $2.27 871-0121-1/4"2-5/16"3-5/16"2-3/4"$17.80 $3.02 871-0151-1/2"2-9/16"3-9/16"2-3/4"$19.08 $3.04 871-0202"3-3/16"4-1/16"2-3/4"$22.62 $2.77 871-0303"4-1/2"6-1/2"4-5/8"$89.84 $6.27 871-0404"5-1/2"7-1/2"4-1/2"$179.49 $16.49 871-0606"7-7/8"9-15/16"5"$299.15 $19.99 * Do not have glue-style socket - click here for more information
** Gaskets are designed to work with our brand of PVC bulkhead fittings only.
Gaskets are included with these bulkhead fittings, but they may also be ordered here to see assembled sample

bulkhead fittings ............get them anywhere


New Member
Easier and cheaper than bulk head gaskets. Much more useful than bulkheads. Bulk heads are nicer when a lot of movements and jostling around is going on or g for pressurized applications. I use both a lot but prefer the uniseal when it is appropriate. I never use any be bulkheads but those for treaded fittings or pipes.

Gross over kill bulk heads. Standard duty will work fine. Plus that sites prices are ridiculously high. Even online pet stores charge lee.

Small and bigger ones cheap.