resin production and metal halides


Well-Known Member
A Full Spectrum MH and some Purple max and Gravity will produce big, rock hard, sticky flypaper buds, guaranteed. Hydro store employees(especially owners) are just as deceiving and grimey as dealers, seed breeders and used car salesman. They will tell you anything to get that $. Why anyone would be discussing growing marijuana with a civilian in a store is beyond me, unless they are your friend and even then it's not practical.. Be careful guys, I have gotten my freedom taken from me thinking I could trust people.
... Snuff
I live in Cali in a very free city that many people grow medicinally in. Like myself. So instead of just denying the fact that people are growing, they actually selectively help people. imagine that.


Well-Known Member
Sh...t i just wrote for 10 minutes and the whole post got deleted before i finished.OK now the short version.Kochad said ive seen a few people using the cmh bulbs and ive yet to see where the benifits overrun the price of the bulb.
if you are having resin production problems why not spend that $100+ that people buy cmh bulbs with on some better genes to make the resin that you are looking for?
until someone shows me different with results, im going to stand by the tried and true methods.They are $51.00 for a 400watt &$51.00 For a 250watt.Yota its not a hps,it jiust run in one it called re-tro fit,so people with just a hps ballast can use this bulb for veg.They last way longer then hps or mh,and have a better/wider spectrum.Please look in,Grow Room Designs & set ups:Look for the post called HPS,MH, CERAMIC METAL HALIDE BEASTS THEM ALL, byThat One Dude,you WILL see why these bulbs are so great(Plant pics,plese look!)After you read that thread plese come back and post,thanks,ronbud.


Well-Known Member
a quick update. I was poking around in the room tonight and damn! my eyes are burning right now. That light is 10k and intense, i really should be wearing shades in there with this bulb. But the buds are very crystally. They have a few mores days so we shall see.


Active Member
A Full Spectrum MH and some Purple max and Gravity will produce big, rock hard, sticky flypaper buds, guaranteed.
might as well throw in bushmaster for the full emerald triangle:mrgreen: maybe 1 ml of each and a pint of penetrator into 2 gallons of water for foliar spray. Haven't done, myself, just speculatinbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i have never heard anythign conclusive about UVA-UVB suplimentation. in my current grow i am using an aquirum light and i am gonna see how that works for now.


Well-Known Member
CMH sounds good to me, bring them on but I agree genes do play a much much MUCH larger role in how many trichomes you're going to get than the type of lighting or nutrient or additive or UV supplementation or CO2 or anything else ever possibly could. Genetics are a limiting factor as much as if not more than anything else.