Resolutions for New Year?


Well-Known Member
this year i gots a few;

don't let shite get to me...cause it doesn't really matter..really it don't:wall:
cut back on the weed...two a day weekdays, four a day Sat and Sun
avoid the media as much as possible...that's gonna be the hardest


New Member
Mine is to rip on Obama's website until he stops ginving canned answers about things. I've already started too. Nothing like being the early bird :bigjoint:


New Member
I'm going to get good enough at Medal of Honor Rising sun to kick my brothers ass next Thanksgiving. That's my only resolution, other than getting baked tonight.


Well-Known Member
My new years resolution is I'm going to kill these spider mites finally if it's the last thing I do. Gotta find a couple people to go in on that $200 professional miticide.


shit; where to start??

quit smoking the cigarettes
make decent money
grow copious amounts of weed
grow copious amounts of shrooms
try not to let life stress me out so much....

im sure there are more, but these are the most important

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Start lifting weights.Get my body in really good shape, so when the kids are grown, it will take a long time to succumb to the massive amounts of drugs I hope to be doing!:weed:


Well-Known Member
To finally start seeing this country of mine. I grew up travelling around, but was too young to really see things. We're going back to my 'happy place' first. Then we're going to become fully fledged gypsies, following the fruit picking seasons if we need to. Selling our photography otherwise. It is going to happen this year.:bigjoint: