Resourceful Growing: suggestions?


Active Member
So, I really wanted to start growing, but having just graduated from high school, I live with my parents who don't approve of marijuana.

I devised a very sneaky and virtually undetectable way of growing, with very little money spent. There is an old furnace in my bedroom that has been disconnected from the chimney and original water pipes. We used to just hide liquor and stuff in it, but I recently realized the potential.

With a fair bit of difficulty, I managed to clean out the main compartment and place a simple fluorescent desklamp near the rear of the furnace. I fed the cord through a maze of secondary compartments and up through a hatch near the top of the furnace. The thing is covered in stained glass and old rocks, so I had no trouble hiding the extension cord amongst them.

From then on out I've been growing four plants, one of which has been in a vegetative state for nearly 3 weeks. The other three have only been going for about a week and a half, and honestly, I'm surprised at how well all four are doing. There is virtually ZERO air circulation because I couldn't get a fan in there, but somehow the main stems are sturdy and quite resilient. I use a very small bit of miracle grow tomato fertilizer, just to give a little more bite to the water. I accidently made the solution too strong the first time and gave the plants a nutrient burn, which is visible in the pictures.

Overall I feel I've done the best I could do with such a sketchy situation :) The trouble is, I have NO idea what strains these plants are! Can anybody help with this? Any suggestions on how to better this operation would be fantastic!


- Fireclaims4



Active Member
Hey, learn how to spell and I might listen to you. (In this case it wouldn't be "your" it would be "you're." I may be growing at my parents' place, but at least I know my native language.



Well-Known Member
All the stained glass makes it hard to imagine the dimensions of the interior.
How big is it on the inside?

[email protected]

Active Member
primer is telling you if you get popped for some reason. your parents own the house. it will be their ass not yours. Other then that at some point you will need much more light and air movement. venting, odor control post pic's for more help


Active Member
Ah shit, I'm sorry I should have mentioned that my parents found it the other day. I grow for medicinal use, so they really have no problem with it :)

Do you have any suggestions for air movement?


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
reading your thread all i was thinkin was someones gettin caught!! low and behold lol oh well at least you got there permision now dude but id whoop my ass if s/he pulled that shit!, i told my ol man i WANTED to grow then picked up the shit and the same should happen with my future son/daughter. but risking getting your parents in shit without them even knowing there their or fuckin they're growing ganja!!! thats low expectially on the respect level dude seriouly. how old are you?


Active Member
Ah dudes seriously, it's no big deal that my parents know!!! They gave me their blessings to do so, as long as I supply them with some when they need it haha

I'm almost 18, to answer your question.