I do not agree with the war Little Bush drug us into.If butthead Bush would have went after the people involed instead of invading a country that was not involed,i would have supported it.
I do not agree with what most of our leaders(i use the word leaders loosly)do,That is OUR fault for putting them in power.But to say not to join the army because of that, leaves our country open to invasion by nations we do not want as our leaders.With that kind of attitude we will all be praying to ALLAH.I feel we should adopt the same system that Israel has,this is OUR country,we should have to fight to defend it if needed.Not just the willing few,ALL OF US.
Not all people want peace and harmony,look around the world and see how many countries would love to take what we have.Peace in the world would be a beautiful thing,but we do not have control over what happens in other countries.As long as we have enemies we will need a military to defend our country and way of life.
With you having a father who is serving our country,i would think you would understand why he does it.
Thank him for his service,and may he stay safe.
I hope it never comes to a bunch of art students having to defend this country from attack,we will be screwed.OPH