
Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i don't know about you, but i see many threads/posts, that i totally ignore, that i could probably help the op with. i hold back helping others when i see issues that the op could resolve on their own, if they only searched... am i alone??? i'm so tired of seeing the same old posts, over and over....
I usually scroll through the General Mj Growing and open all the ones that look interesting and have a read, then i'll go back through and find ones that i think i can help people with =)
i'm so tired of seeing the same old posts, over and over....

Forums are good for conversational collaboration. They're terrible for topical, referential encyclopedic information. A wiki excels at the later, while failing at the former.

The best of both worlds is a forum and wiki at the same domain, where authentication of both is shared, and rights to edit the wiki are tied to a ratio of "length of membership" and "number of posts" (to reduce spamming/defacing the wiki).

I hate to fault newbies for not searching the forum when they may not know what to search for. The real fault is all this encyclopedic information dispersed (with varying degrees of completeness) thoughout millions of threads.

IMO, the question is why we, the knowledge experts, don't create an encyclopedia of what exists as "streams of consciousness" among thousands of streams? In other words, if I were a newbie, I'd wonder why these guys who know so much can't distill repeated, recurring knowledge into a succinct, structured and community-driven resource.

That's the strength of sites like GrowWeedEasy. No community, but easily discoverable information. Forums have a community -- but don't capitalize upon that community to promote the community's knowledge into a knowledge base. It's just repeating "conversations" that are largely duplicative, but rarely exhaustive.
It's so much easier to read through these posts than to get chewed out for a question about germination or etc.... But if you're willing to get chewed out then I'm going to go prepare my teeth
To me, those that want all the information handed to them, and dont want to put any time into their own research will also be the half-assed growers who won't be in it long.
Part of the passion is a thirst for the knowledge. If you dont have that, only marginal results will follow.
yeah...tbh I'd search the internet or youtube to find my answers that way I can get many perspectives. Some of these ppl giving advice have the most horrid plants I ever seen. I was getting some advice from a local and finally went over to see his grow and was horrified by his filthyness. I have yet to see a grow IRL that I would consider good. Too many ppl settle with mediocre or less, its sad, no passion there
i don't know about you, but i see many threads/posts, that i totally ignore, that i could probably help the op with. i hold back helping others when i see issues that the op could resolve on their own, if they only searched... am i alone??? i'm so tired of seeing the same old posts, over and over....

I too am the same.

There are a few threads that spark my interest.

Usually though about plant deficiencies or pest problems as I'm quite the nerd when it comes to problems and pests.

Then there are those posts by some that you know are invoking a riot response so I generally steer clear.

To be honest there are 3 forums that I've book marked.

General MJ forum
Grow room design
Marajuana plant problems

Obviously the sub forums within those aswell, bugs and nutrients.
