Result of over or under fertilizing?


Well-Known Member
Feeding this Auto about every week, Dynagro. 3 weeks into flower.
It would need to be a bit more ppm's/ph of feedings..amount of water and how often..are you using tap or RO? Temps/humidity? Dyna gro? They have many kinds of fertilizers;) To me it seems a bit have odd looking dry wet spots on top..if it is under-watered, then deficiencies will spring up. You may also have or had excess nitrogen. What light are you using and how far away is it?


Well-Known Member
Over ferted, pH too low. What soil is that? Dyna-gro in soil is only 1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon and you might not have to feed every time you water.

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Yea, more specifics would be nice.

Looks under watered to me (clawing, dried leaves, and it's more toward the lower middle), but there's no way to tell without info.