Results with low light?


Well-Known Member
So this is the deal: I have 3 varieties which are a priority for me, they are Autos that I'm growing under 1x 300w Mars Hydro.
The unit seems to cover the 3 x 2 gallon pots where I'm growing autos and it seems it will be enough light direct light for them.

The room is 3x3 and very tall.

But I want to grow a 4th plant which I don't care much about the yield, I just care about the effect, so I would have to place this plant next to the plants already growing and will not be directly under the Mars Hydro but next to it, so it will receive indirect light.

Will it still produce buds?

My current setup: These 3 pots are under the Mars Hydro and the 4th one would have to be next to one of them, don't care yield, just want buds.10320560_10153499584142081_3616649072714179497_n (1).jpg
It'll work. But I will tell you that it will frustrate you. You will then start pondering rotating them to even it out. And then you will say fuck it and buy a second light so you can expand to six.

Well maybe not you but that is my exact story!
Again, I agree with you growingdad. Rotating them is a pain in the ass. You're better off buying a new light. Since you song care of yield maybe a 100w equivalent cfl bulb would do the trick
So this is the deal: I have 3 varieties which are a priority for me, they are Autos that I'm growing under 1x 300w Mars Hydro.
The unit seems to cover the 3 x 2 gallon pots where I'm growing autos and it seems it will be enough light direct light for them.

The room is 3x3 and very tall.

But I want to grow a 4th plant which I don't care much about the yield, I just care about the effect, so I would have to place this plant next to the plants already growing and will not be directly under the Mars Hydro but next to it, so it will receive indirect light.

Will it still produce buds?

My current setup: These 3 pots are under the Mars Hydro and the 4th one would have to be next to one of them, don't care yield, just want buds.View attachment 3635697
Those guys are pretty cheap $130 with daisy chain? Just get another

I use 2 on garden herbs, they seem to work well.
It'll work. But I will tell you that it will frustrate you. You will then start pondering rotating them to even it out. And then you will say fuck it and buy a second light so you can expand to six.

Well maybe not you but that is my exact story!

Agreed ! , Starting a 4th plant knowing the conditions are less then ideal would drive me crazy and i would end up buying a new light.

don't care yield, just want buds
sure you don't care about the yield you just want bud, but if you had more light you could have more / higher quality bud.

Dirt, nutes, seeds, electricity, and months of time are not cheap, So spending less then a days worth of pay to get a 2nd light would be a drop in the bucket when you consider the returns of buying that light.


Obviously the difference here is more then just light availability, but the extreme example gets the point across. If its worth growing and spending the time energy and money to do so why not do it the best you can.
Dude, you're killing me with those pictures!
It's cuz I will get the second light but not this year, next year.