

Well-Known Member
If you go from the START of this thread and read down....it all falls into place.
Anyone that has the misfortune of reading this crap, please read from the beginning so you can see I didn't start any shit....I am not a shit starter....

This is the first time I am using my ignore button....

Bye Londoner
Ignore me all you fucking want you pussy! Dont make no difference to me.

You and your knowledge is BS and you know it.

Other ppl including myself who know what theyre lookin at said Ludas seedlings look great, one person even said theyre on par with his 3 week olds, then you say theyre small!! and the light needs to be a foot away, id already said to lower the light gradually bit by bit as you are meant to do when introducing seedlings to any HID.


New Member
Ignore me all you fucking want you pussy! Dont make no difference to me.

You and your knowledge is BS and you know it.

Other ppl including myself who know what theyre lookin at said Ludas seedlings look great, one person even said theyre on par with his 3 week olds, then you say theyre small!! and the light needs to be a foot away, id already said to lower the light gradually bit by bit as you are meant to do when introducing seedlings to any HID.
fucking right ignore the londoner at you expence.
and your knowlege is absoloutely bullshit my 8 year old could obtain better with info with one hour on google.if there were less fucking bullshit info and more guys like the londoner the world would surely be a greener place.