Reusing Soil

I do a 45 gallon mix in kiddie swimming pools. Most of them are something like this.

5 gallons buckets of

1 Mushroom compost
1 Cow manure compost
1/2 Chicken manure compost
1/2 High Cotton compost
2 Peat Moss
2 Sungrow potting soil
1 Jungle Growth potting soil
1 Scott's Moisture Control potting soil

Cups of

2 lime
2 lime, crushed
2 blood meal
2 bone meal
4 Epson Salt
4 Perilite
2 Vermiculite
16 Coffee Ground compost
2 5-2-3 Organic ferts

why do you add so much coffee???
Have a look in the organic section at the notill threads and recycled soil ROLS. Well worth a look you should find what your looking for
I find it counterproductive, the crops are never the same...

does everyone amend or buy new soil?

Amend amend amend! At the end of each grow I just cut the plant down and leave the root ball in the ground so as not to disturb the environment. I sprinkle a couple cups organic tomato feed and then cover with horse and bunny bombs then bury the whole thing in at least a foot deep leaf cover and wait until planting season.
I let the dogs (I have lots of dogs) romp thru everything which breaks everything down faster and the results have improved with each passing grow. I went from main stems the size of your thumb to the size of your arm and weight went from oz's to lbs.