Reveg a reversed female?

Black Sands Ranch

Well-Known Member
Hello y'all

The story:
I decided to make some feminized seeds as I was tired of keeping mothers. Took a female seed (Mind Flayer by Exotic gentix) planted. Took two cuts, one to reverse and one to add to the light dep house for fall harvest. After rooting put cut into 12/12 with daily sprays of colloidal silver, second cut went to light dep house. After 3 weeks got lots of pollen sacs forming. Mom of cuts went into 12/12 one week later so all is good.

The problem:
Big wind storm broke plant in light dep house and it is not going to make it.

The stoner idea:
Collect all the feminized pollen I need and take that chemical male to the light dep house to revegging. It should have time to get rid of all the effects of the silver and come back as a female. Can this be done? It it a bad idea?


Black Sands Ranch

Well-Known Member

Since nobody has told me this is a bad idea, I am going to give it a go. I should have all the pollen I need if a few days and with then take this chemical male to the house and into the ground. Wish me luck!



Well-Known Member
I'm attempting to reveg a reversed female.
