Revegging a small plant?


Well-Known Member
i got a plant i used for a micro grow, about a foot high right now, not many leaves but looks like it can be revegged. still alive, still green, anyway this plant had some good bud and its photoperiod. im thinking i could reveg it out till it get some branches then clone some. any idea how to speed up its recovery time and increase its chances of surviviing? it looks ok but it only has a few small leaves where the branches i need to grow out.
Things go as fast as they're supposed to, yeah i knew that in back of my head, just hoping, someone knew something i didn't. should i just go 24h for a while? shouldn't hurt anything right?
Repot it. Cut off 1/3 of the root ball all the way around. Don't put it under 24 hour light.. it needs some darkness. It will take a few days and then it will explode as the roots grow back. You will have a banzai in 2 weeks... depending of course on lighting, temperatures... don't overnute it....
yeah, its getting there, doing better than i expected actually. i have noticed that giving 4 or 6 hours of darkness it has grown a bit healtheir, first i thought it up to just it recoverying. but i switched it back to 24 and it started to look unhealthy. just wondering, why cut some roots?
i got a plant i used for a micro grow, about a foot high right now, not many leaves but looks like it can be revegged. still alive, still green, anyway this plant had some good bud and its photoperiod. im thinking i could reveg it out till it get some branches then clone some. any idea how to speed up its recovery time and increase its chances of surviviing? it looks ok but it only has a few small leaves where the branches i need to grow out.
Should you and your plant be heading to winter ...sure re veg with a view of planting her out come spring, re vegging may take a month or 2, the rest can be in preparing for the plant out in 5-6 months time, if you got the space, its how some of the big growers do it!
how long you think it might take for the branches to grow out big enough for cloning?
mine is about the same size, but the leafs are a bit smaller.
vostok knows growing like a book, so when i go to clone i might need your help to kinda walk me through the steps, i watched allotta videos and read lotta books. but i just cant seem to get a clone to stay alive long enough to grow roots. idk what im doing wrong. just seems to die in about a day or two.
Your plant is likely rootbound after vegging and flowering. Trimming the rootball allows for new root growth and with new root growth comes new foilage growth to support it. Also, I think that it is the same theory as to pinching and bending the stems to get bigger denser buds. Whatever doesn't kill it makes it stronger.
Easiest cloning method... put the clone in a solo cup filled with water and perlite and wait until roots grow.Then plant it.
ohhh, yeah that makes sense. but the cloneing. ive tried that but it wilts really fast. would that be a humidity problem? im practicing with morning glory.