revegging outdoors


Active Member
hey, i started a plant in january and now its beginning of april. the plant is 10'' tall and basically one big bud(not much) some hairs are brown but it is still sending out white hairs. will this plant revert back to vegging if i leave it alone or should i just cut it down in a few weeks?DSCN0207.jpg


Well-Known Member
It should be good so as long as its getting no more then 14 hours of light a day. Should finish up for u hopefully. If u wanna make sure just take it inside after it gets about 12 hours light everyday.


Active Member
ok so if the leaves turn yellow than chop but if it starts sending out new green leaves let it reveg for summer.><?

The White Buffalo

Active Member
If you keep it well fed it will most likely start revegging on its own. What I would do is look at the trichomes. If they are done chop most of her down but leave a few lower buds and fan leaves. Keep in a nice sunny spot and give some veg nutes or repot. You should start seeing some new growth soon thereafter.