Revenge of Rene's random rambles

oh i couldn't figure that stuff out lol used to watch weeds and dexter funny thing when i watch walking dead i have super zombie slaying dreams i love my mind! so if you were bit by a zombie racoon do you become a zombie?

You'd probably develop quite the handwashing fetish. cn


so i'm stoked my buddy dropped by the other night and brought me some seeds yay! says they are alaskan thunderFuck sure to be females we shall see :)
ha yes able to post again anyways nice to see you guys pop by first i'd love a drink lol but none for me sigh also gonna be able to set up a vegetable garden so yay!
so for some reason worms like my front porch everyday i save them and they just keep coming back to kill themselves maybe its the Prego thing but poor worms lol
figured i"d pop by for a ramble dont know when i will get a chance again and tryin to kill time...tons of crazy dreams to catch yall up on later as well but last night i had a dream i gave birth in my sleep wouldnt that be the shit no pain just wake up and there he is..hope you are all well
watching my love handles grow translucent in this desert-grade heat. Keep forks away from my skin 'cuz I'll ruin the upholstery. cn
hello all mama grizz here for another random ramble.. so last night i'm at the store and 2 ladies walk up start Awwwing over my son then the one dumb Bitch starts touching him waking him up telling him sorry to break the news to ya but the world is a terrible place... she says have you told him yet? i said i've explained the world but he is only 10days old and we are going to show him how great the world truly is that it's all about perception and what you choose to focus on she basically told him we were wrong thank god he doesn't understand yet i wanted to slap that Bitch and tell her go listen to Icp miracles i love the song and when i forget now days about lifes beauty i just play that song. how is everyone? glad your still posting here cn
What did she mean by "the world is a terrible place"? I know many people who believe that ... some religious; others not. cn
What did she mean by "the world is a terrible place"? I know many people who believe that ... some religious; others not. cn
she didn't seem religious but was serious told him about all the worlds negativity didn't even hesitate but that's ok he will come across more with such views mama grizz can show him the magic of life :)
Welcome back and congrats girl!!! So happy for u :) You have been missed by many :)
april sweetie great to see you always a pleasure to have you drop by. how you been and thank you so much i'm enjoying the little one very much and glad he is giving mama time to play today sos
she didn't seem religious but was serious told him about all the worlds negativity didn't even hesitate but that's ok he will come across more with such views mama grizz can show him the magic of life :)

It's up to us large&furries to teach that the world is a bearable place. :joint::bigjoint: cn
oh i've had a couple Rambles but they aren't as good imo and i agree cn like i said all about how you look at life ;)