buddha webb
New Member
Ive Sativa repeating disorder..
hahah you can take the scouser out of liverpooljust kiddin man!
I wish he would have hit your dog. then maybe your vandalism would have been warranted. dude is already fucked because your a snitch but then you gotta do more? it takes a special kind of piece of shit to do that. you'll get yours in the end though, karmas a bitch.
While I dont think that drink driving is OK, your letting yourself in for something bad mate, If you really have been calling this bloke in every time he drops off your NEIGHBOUR it wont take him long to figure out its you thats out to get him whatsmore hell probably piece together that it was you that wrecked his beloved car... If this guy is really a dick (even as much as you are) then your gunna get a comeuppance, that sort of revenge wouldnt make me feel good at all, what if he burns down your house while your asleep?When your family members are killed by drunk drivers, meh maybe you will think a little different. He is fuked because I snitched? he was drunk driving?
Here I will continue the story. I had this guy arrested and put in jail 5 more times after this event, why? Because he kept driving with out a license. Everytime he would drop off his girlfreind, I would call the police and have him arrested.
Takes a real hero to put everyone else life in their hands. I have so little respect for people who drink and drive its unimaginable. If you think its ok to drink and drive, I hope you get hit by one.
Everyone thinks driving is all safe and fine, cars should be thought about more like guns. Do you take your gun out in public after you are drinking? Point it at everyone?