reverse by dutchmasterhas

the chin

Well-Known Member
has anyone ever used this product to try and rid your female (hermie) from its pollen balls.i have 4 plants dutch passion femaled seeds over 1 week into flower, veg d for near 10 week.


Well-Known Member
HA,smokey beat me to it bongsmilie

Im calling my end of the hermie experiment a total flop hows about you ?


Well-Known Member
HA,smokey beat me to it bongsmilie

Im calling my end of the hermie experiment a total flop hows about you ?
what's up Pan. I am gonna write a conclusion for it within the next week. I agree with you 100% that Reverse has ZERO effects on a true hermaphrodite plant ALREADY flowering, no flower knockdown, no sterilizing pollen, not stopping seeding-if anything it made it worse.
However, as for a plant, hermi, intersexed, stressed, normal, or what have you-it works for sure. the plants properly sprayed, and I only sprayed 1 time, have had zero male anything. even the full bore hermie whose mom seeds I am still picking out of my poo.
The key seems to be timing. But I ordered more.


Well-Known Member
wont do anything for your plants now that they already showed the balls...but for next time. for now, you are just gonna have to go through the entire plant and pluck them and again in a week and again in 2 weeks. so far, picked at least 80 off one of the better strains and not one pistol fertilized and the buds are phat as hell. 1st they usually pop up at the internodes on the secondary branching where a female calyz should be. than in 2-3 weeks they may pop up directly behind the bud/budsite at that internode


Well-Known Member
So have you tested it on plants that have a high hermie rate PRIOR to flowering? Did it work?
The strain i tested it on was a stable strain to where it would not pop hermies in the first few days of flowering or even in mid flower,my strain would pop hermies in late flower,my results were that the hermies popped out sooner that i'd ever had them,the pollen was active & 100% viable even when the pollen sacks were soaked heavily with the reverse.


Well-Known Member
So have you tested it on plants that have a high hermie rate PRIOR to flowering? Did it work?
yes, full bore hermi-was a clone of a plant in same experiment. in fact I killed off that strain couple weeks ago. funny thing, everyone liked it better than other good sensimilla shit. odd. maybe b/c it was flourescent green.
but yeah, check the experiment thread in post # 2 here. Panhead and I had some real success and failure.

the chin

Well-Known Member
dutchmaster say reverse is not worth a wank unless you use penetrator along with reverse.did n see any thin bout pentrator in panheads thread

the chin

Well-Known Member
live in ireland could n get anywher.order d from uk this morn wil have a try and let yous no how i get on in the future.thanks for the help