Reverting Flowering back to Vegging?

Maybe a newb question, I know you can revert a flowering plant back to vegging but my question is, if I just determined a flowering plants sex 2-3 weeks in will it revert? and how long should it take till it kicks back into vegging. This will be my mother plant by the by. Thanks

The Hobbit

Do you know that plants make preflowers? - maybe those could help you sex the plant. Otherwise it could take your plant from 2-6 weeks to kick back. It's very strain related.
I was researching preflowers, id rather go that way than going through the whole shindig. Is there still a chance of it being a male? Because I have to know 100%


i tryed to revert a flowering mom back to veg outside last spring, took a long time and didnt grow quite right after that. after a hot summer in northern cali i did get a harvest but im thinkin it could have been alot better. dont know why it happened that way, but i do know i wouldnt take any cutting from it.