

Active Member
K, so i ended up planting my outdoor/green house to early in spring, and they started to flower, i was hopeing that with time they would revert back to veg on their own, but most of the plants have not done so, they dont seam to be flowering normally...kindove stuck inbetween it would seem. i have read some info saying to pick off the little buds to help them revert faster to veg. I was wondering if anyone had any input on what i could do to help them revert , they are in 55gal drums, and 3-4 ft tall, not easy to move so i cant put them back inside to give them more light. They have 15.5 hours of daylight right now.. i might add i have 2 strains going right now, one is a space queen/purple urkle, and the other i believe is violet delight. the space queen crosses have not flowered at all, it is the violet delights that are flowering. i figured it must have something to do with the strain, but im not sure, im open to all input and suggestions, please help, Also due to location and unchill factors i cant put lights on in the room while its dark out. i will post some picts aswell


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Active Member
if they've been getting 15.5 hours of light a day for more than a few days they're not flowering anymore. even though they still have small buds or preflowers anything over 13 hours a day set them back into veg. i would leave the small buds it will encourage new branch growth. its like a stopper on the end of each branch. after a while new branches will start to come out of the bud. but below the bud will start to branch out pretty fast.. good luck


Well-Known Member
I have a Purple Kush plant that was budding also, and I put it back in Veg. It took a solid 2 weeks before I actually seen any new growth. But now it's taking off very well. Just be patient.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I put all my plants into flower- then when they showed sex I pulled 2 out and revegged them. The little female hairs that emerged when they went into flower for a week have since died out and are like little dead hairs now that they have been re-vegging for 3.5 weeks. One more week and i will clip clones. In other words it takes about 4 weeks to fully re-vert your plants.


Active Member
i have to say, that they have been in this state on trance(doing nothing) for about 3-4 weeks, not sure what the deal is, but im hoping they will go back normal sometime