[Review] Galaxy hydro 400w COB

They work and they are cheap. Ya I'll agree with the go diy cob if possible, but if you can't then go cheap Chinese. The thing we are trying to do with the cheapos is to find the top ones that don't die or what not.

I'm happy with mine. I'm just starting out and I've only got to .3-.4 gpw or say 20gs per square foot with 130watts led, actual draw. I know once I dial in my mediums, nutes, ect... that number will be way up.
Bought a king led 800w (only 140w from the wall) just finished a single grow with it and got about 0.75 gpw

They work, definitely better options out there but a good cheap way to start, only cost me $200
That's a great way to look at it.

Just finished that grow actually and some buddies want some of it so I'm actually going to use that cash to upgrade my light so really it's hard to put a value on it now. In the end you could say the light actually paid for itself inside of one harvest
Still don't understand all the hate for cheaper lights, obviously they don't compare to higher quality, but really that's missing the point
They cost more to operate and give less usable light. Then the Chinese scams all over the internet with unrealistic claims. I fell for it once. 2880 dollars worth of panels burned out and the company wouldn't back it. Personally I don't see anything wrong with someone starting out with them besides they don't really have a place when you may want to upgrade.
First time I've EVER seen someone's blurple light magically become white light.
@HydroRed @Hybridway @Big smo @Rahz @Growmau5 @robincnn @a mongo frog

Just started reading this thread and sure AF not even halfway down the first page you say something so beyond stupid it's amazing. Even after the OP stated several times that the pictures looked different because of photo editing software he used to make them easier to see, you repeatedly ignore his statements and then call half a dozen other forum members to come and see how stupid you are.

I'm not defending chinese lights but to be honest neither was the OP, he was simply stating that here's the light he used and here's what he got from it. Nothing too spectacular but not the worst grow ever seen on RIU. But once again, there are enough retards on here to show up and start bashing the guy for posting pics and his thoughts about his light. Well done gentlemen, well done.

Everyone is on a different path when it comes to growing mj. Just because a guy uses a chinese light and shares his thoughts and pictures doesn't mean he needs to have his phucking head straightened out by a hoard of morons ready to lynch the guy for not using the latest bin cobs. We should be thanking him for sharing his experience instead of acting like everybody needs to be using the most efficient and up to date setup.
Just started reading this thread and sure AF not even halfway down the first page you say something so beyond stupid it's amazing. Even after the OP stated several times that the pictures looked different because of photo editing software he used to make them easier to see, you repeatedly ignore his statements and then call half a dozen other forum members to come and see how stupid you are.

I'm not defending chinese lights but to be honest neither was the OP, he was simply stating that here's the light he used and here's what he got from it. Nothing too spectacular but not the worst grow ever seen on RIU. But once again, there are enough retards on here to show up and start bashing the guy for posting pics and his thoughts about his light. Well done gentlemen, well done.

Everyone is on a different path when it comes to growing mj. Just because a guy uses a chinese light and shares his thoughts and pictures doesn't mean he needs to have his phucking head straightened out by a hoard of morons ready to lynch the guy for not using the latest bin cobs. We should be thanking him for sharing his experience instead of acting like everybody needs to be using the most efficient and up to date setup.
Just started reading this thread and sure AF not even halfway down the first page you say something so beyond stupid it's amazing. Even after the OP stated several times that the pictures looked different because of photo editing software he used to make them easier to see, you repeatedly ignore his statements and then call half a dozen other forum members to come and see how stupid you are.

I'm not defending chinese lights but to be honest neither was the OP, he was simply stating that here's the light he used and here's what he got from it. Nothing too spectacular but not the worst grow ever seen on RIU. But once again, there are enough retards on here to show up and start bashing the guy for posting pics and his thoughts about his light. Well done gentlemen, well done.

Everyone is on a different path when it comes to growing mj. Just because a guy uses a chinese light and shares his thoughts and pictures doesn't mean he needs to have his phucking head straightened out by a hoard of morons ready to lynch the guy for not using the latest bin cobs. We should be thanking him for sharing his experience instead of acting like everybody needs to be using the most efficient and up to date setup.
That guy can be quite the douche.
I said it before. This comment provoked the attacks he recieved

"i think the results will shut up more than a few idiots here saying chinese pannels are crap, i was really happy with this one"

To be honest I think he did a great job and I think the light performed well. But he did not successfully shut up any idiots by acting like this.
Just started reading this thread and sure AF not even halfway down the first page you say something so beyond stupid it's amazing. Even after the OP stated several times that the pictures looked different because of photo editing software he used to make them easier to see, you repeatedly ignore his statements and then call half a dozen other forum members to come and see how stupid you are.

I'm not defending chinese lights but to be honest neither was the OP, he was simply stating that here's the light he used and here's what he got from it. Nothing too spectacular but not the worst grow ever seen on RIU. But once again, there are enough retards on here to show up and start bashing the guy for posting pics and his thoughts about his light. Well done gentlemen, well done.

Everyone is on a different path when it comes to growing mj. Just because a guy uses a chinese light and shares his thoughts and pictures doesn't mean he needs to have his phucking head straightened out by a hoard of morons ready to lynch the guy for not using the latest bin cobs. We should be thanking him for sharing his experience instead of acting like everybody needs to be using the most efficient and up to date setup.
Aaawwww whats wrong? Did you have a rough day, @Danielson999 ? Wax on, wax off? Got your poopy panties in a bundle, "Eh"?
Dude, just stfu.

I was confused and he cleared it up for me later and that was the end of it. So quit trying to stir old shit up just to be a dick.
Thanks! :-* :-* :-*
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@jrock2000 now you know what its like to take the extensive time and effort to document a full grow, post it and get met with a bunch of dick head comments.
I think the plants and bud looks great and is on par with what I would expect from that type of light. Thanks for taking the time and spreading a real world account of your experience. You are appreciated, cheers.
100% Class and Respect! You sir are an excellent example of how to be one of the very best at what you do, and still remain humble and respectful. Thank you for that!