Review my strainss.


Well-Known Member
not myyy strainss, but the ones i'll be using

Im doing a SOG using a few strains..

I did the pick and mix from Attitude.

1x Church (fem)
1x Blue cheese (fem)
1x Whiteberry (fem)
1x Dutch passions Blueberry (fem)

and supposively..
1x free blue venom (fem)
1x free pure gold (fem)

I have 36" for plant growth, im gunna try and pull off some nice baseball bat, single cola clones.


Well-Known Member
I did a Dutch Passion Blueberry feminized, I must have gotten a bad pheno because it had tiny buds, stretched, took too long to ripen, was weak but tasted nice - mild fruity taste. I grew 1 mother and 6 clones over 3 grows. Well reviewed strain and breeder, but to get one or two very good plants I think we will have to grow out a 10 seed pack. Out of the 6 strains and 6 plants you are growing you may just get 1 or 2 very good plants, 2 or 3 fair, 1 weak. Or you could get 6 great phenos, but it's still good to have several plants.

Church, Blue Cheese and Whiteberry all get fantastic reviews, as does Blueberry most of the time.

Good luck!




Well-Known Member
well wish me the best of luck because I will hopefully have the box completed in the next two weeks and then I will get the ball rolling.

Please if anyone else has some comments on the strains I will be growing please throw them out there.

oh yeaa, whats pheno? I hear it on the site all the time but I figured it never applied to me so I never researched it.


Well-Known Member
" whats pheno?"

If you have a sister or brother do they look exactly like you: size, shape, temperment? They come from the exact same parents as you and have family similarities but they are different from you physically and mentally.

Growing Jack Herer one set of parents could produce 4 types of children - phenos. Seeds from the same batch, same plant, and can vary greatly in height and effect. You'll often read posts talking about getting "that sativa pheno", or "the indica pheno finishes fast".



1. a combining form meaning “shining,” “appearing, seeming,” used in the formation of compound words: phenocryst.
2. a combining form used in the names of chemical compounds that contain phenol or the phenyl group, are related to aromatic compounds, or derive from benzene: phenobarbital.

"Combining Form" seems to be the common usage, and many horticulture sites refer to it as Phenomenon rather than Pheno.




Well-Known Member
phenomenon makes sense.. Yeah I totally understood that you dont normally have plants that all look the same even if from the same batch of a certain strain.. I just never knew it was referred to as Pheno.. cool, you learn something new everyday.


Well-Known Member
yep, I am finding that planting one seed and thinking your going to get lucky with a great plant isn't going to happen most of the time. 10 bag seeds should get you one or 2 good mother type plants. Real good genetics 5 seeds should/may get you one good plant. A lot can and does go wrong with live plants thru a grow weather it's tomatoes or MJ. In my opinion buy a pack of a strain and hope for the best. Better yet pick 2 strains one that cost 20 and one that costs 80 and see the difference. Your paying hi shipping costs so get good genetics to help.


Well-Known Member
well I want/need only 2 good mothers out of those seeds. Hopefully I can get more. we'll see what happens.

What about dj shorts?

Pockets le Peu

Active Member
Don't buy Dutch passion's blue berry, they ripped it off from DJ Short!! :evil:
if they claim its their genetics, yeah then eff em. but if credit is given (which i assume not) then ya gotta respect it.

my source uses a dj shorts x dutch passion cubed for their bb line and credits the sorce. their is no shame in honesty.


Well-Known Member
and aside from that I have a few white skunk at like week 5 in veg right now, they are potential temporary mothers.


Well-Known Member
I really dont care who its credited to as long as they are blueberry seeds with legitimate genetics.