Revised set up.with pics so far

I decided to change my initial setup plans and go for a larger tent of 1.2x2.4 im using wima 9 pot watering system with big 18 L pots.
Im now gonna grow auto flower instead if large big buddah as i dont think the tent will be tall enough at 2m high with the pots standing 50cm off grounnd and the lights above etc subsequiently have now orderd seeds yesterday x 10 critical auto fem.
I was planning on running 2 x 8tube T5 lights but again for now atleast just gonna run with the one and see how that goes.
I have purchased 8x red bulbs and have the 8 white that came with the lights.Still not sure if im gonna mix em 50/50 or just go all red ?im swaying toall red tho.
I plan on using 24 hr lighting for the whole grow start to finnish.Ill be using canna nutrients aqua veg for first weeks then onto canna flores for remainder.Will be using canna boost 3 weeks before end of harvest to supplement before the flush.Im no longer planning on using and extraction (at this time)as i have a big tent and with the light on full time i can leave the tent door open and use normal oscilating fan, i dont as yet see the need to control heat,maybe in summer months or maybe if odur gets out of control but for now ill go no extraction route.
As a test run i built the tent up and installed the light inside tent temp was 17.8 c .I then switchecd the light onand ran it for 3hrs with tent fully enclosed the temp after 3hrs only went up slightly to 18.9 so the light aint producing much heat at all in the grow room. Pics of room so far below will update more when i sow seeds etc.

Well so far my farming plans have changed several times and it has changed yet again as i ordered 10 x critical mass seeds but received 10 x sweet afgani delicious auto instead ????.
Anyhow theyll do to get me started off and being as my first ever grow will be happy to get started growing.

Well on Weds 15 th feb evening i set my seeds in rock wool.i soaked rockwool in aired tap water ph down to 5.8 for 20 mins then popped the seed in the hole plugged the whole with some rockwool and placed onto a tray,ive now sat em on top of my lights to keep em warm. The temp above the light is 29.3 c the room temp is 21 c and room humidity is 40%.
Ive read so many logs and grow journals and different methods of starting off but decided this is easiest way to do it,i dont wanna over complicate things dont see the point .
ive decided im not gonna put the clear plastic dome over the rockwool to increase humity levels because i read somewhere its not nessary and can cause fungus issues and such like.
So im just gonna keep it simple for now.
So far ive sprayed the rockwool cubes twice daily lightly with 5.8 ph water. So far nothing has sprouted but only been couple of days.
Ive also changed the growing medium to 50/50 coc plus and clay pebbles im gonna water by hand now and prob not use the wilma for feeding as guy in my hydro shop reckons as im only growing autos in 18 l pot they should only require watering once every 24 to 30 hrs . Ive got the pots all full of the 50/50 mix and ready now to get growing.
Pics so far below....