Reward offered to anyone who recognizes bandits that broke into Elyria neighborhood of Denver pot sh


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Well-Known Member
Hate to say something stupid but they look like they are having a really good I love that you used the word bandits to..seems like it would be hard to miss the guys driving around with a damn pot tree in the back of their truck
yeah they must of had a uhaul or something :o


Well-Known Member
Fuck. I can't even express with words how fucking pissed this makes me. I hope they get caught, and shot in the chest.
whoaaa easy pinny I think it would be much more practical to carve pot thief in their foreheads with a knife and let them live


Well-Known Member
I love how in every picture they are just chilling and not giving a shit and and then the last one dude on cell phone pulls his hoody on his head, as if they wont identify you without your hoody the first 10 shots of you. for fucks sake people.

None the less people are pieces of shit and I'd beat the fuck out of them if I found them, I wouldn't even turn them into the cops. Karma and my rath will do just fine.

Rant over, my stoned ass is going to watch Kid Cannabis.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
there's 3 diff angle close shots of the one guy. If he's from within 100 miles of the area, you'd think sombody wld recognize em. that's brazen as hell. ohno, looks like they didn't shave. what happened to the alarm?


Well-Known Member
Apparently thieves are so lazy they may return in a few months and try and take your next harvest
beats looking for a new place to steal from

maybe the best chance of catching them is to bare this in mind and set a little trap
next time they come to visit they will be staying longer than they planned


Well-Known Member

Is this fool getting ready to bust a nut or is he taking a selfie, wtf is this dude doing.
from what I heard, at the very end of the video, they noticed there was a camera, so they tried to hide their faces and conceal their identities (mostly in vein at this point though lol)


Well-Known Member
I say we slice their Achilles' tendon and then shoot them in the knee caps and then drag them upside down across shark infested water....