Rezdog's Sour Diesel IBL


Active Member
A few questions.

* Is Rez's sour D supposed to be Original Sour Diesel or East Coast Sour Diesel?

* Rez's Sour Diesel IBL lists as a Sativa dominant strain, this is also consistent with smoke reports I've seen on OSD and ECSD from clone. However the only smoke report I've seen on this particular strain describes it as mostly indica influence ==> <== so that left me scratching my head a bit. Granted that could be in part influenced by an indica pheno type (although the line is supposed to be stable) and/or time of harvest: 30% amber -- so now the question: Does anyone have experience growing/smoking Rez's version, and what can be expected?

Thanks in advance.
dude were did the name come from was it grown on the reservation n rez dog is a clothing line for navite americans? who came with it, n were did it get its name?
i was wondering the same thing. I wanted to add a sativa to my garden and i was trying to decide between his sour diesel ibl or his sssdh. I am growing one of his strains now and i must say it is a fantastic high and it is great in the looks department. I am now searching for a very intense sativa high, one thats trippy/stupifying/intense. seems like he has his stuff down packed but him and swerve have been known to beef. i also considered toms hill haze but couldnt find any info on it either

Rez has some threads on his sourd and sssdh at icmag. maybe you could find a smoke report too. idk. let me know what you find.
oh and i dont know if its sour d or ecsd. i also wondered that too. the only problem that i have is rezdog seems to charge ridiculous prices for his strains.
dude were did the name come from was it grown on the reservation n rez dog is a clothing line for navite americans? who came with it, n were did it get its name?

The breeder's name on various forums is Rezdog. You'd have to ask him why he picked the handle Rezdog.
I've had the great pleasure of watching rez and logic from thcfarmer get dropped like hot bags of shit in the dam :) It is a memory that will never dissipate! In my opinion it could'nt of happen to two better shit wads. 40 minutes later snoop dog strolled by .....It was a beautiful night in the city!

Rez dog's gear is schwag....nothing to be missed at all. He charges what he can for a top notch posi schemer. Not a fan of being a "hater" but your wasting your time with his smuck. There are better people to give your hard earned cash to then those nazi's. My .02
I just threw mine out, some hermied on me, I got scales on 2 and just decided they were bad karma and got rid of the clones too.... all 10 seeds germinated though. Maybe you'll have better luck. check out search rezdog or reservoir seeds. he has a lot of nice looking strains, nearly all of them are long flowering times, the IBL is pretty spendy too. I have a link in my bookmarks but I think it's not cool to put links to other web forums on here... you can find his seeds at seedboutique and seedbay. gl
I'm of the opinion that Rez is more of a pollen chucker than a breeder, that said, I received a cut of an Alpha Diesel (his second attempt at Sour Diesel IBL) which hermied during flower. A few months back I popped one of those beans on a whim and since then have been growing one of the most amazing examples of Sour Diesel I've yet to grow. Heavy producing Sativa which needs a minimum of 11 weeks, and delivers some of the frostiest and most potent sour tasting Diesel. This plant has been deemed 'too strong' by non-medicinal users, but thus far has found many fans, including myself.
Wow i dont care about rez dog clothing its a female i usto date a modle native american poker dealer at casino arizona i was just woundering if that cloathing line desided to do weed because i mean the girls r fucken hot.... n well her husband i didnt quit get his deal but they made money im not shure how much of the cloathing line but europeans bot the shit out of it.... and other countries not to much in the states i gues the world thinks american indians r extint. but i know thier native law they dont have a number of plants on thier reservations i have herd stories i nevor talked to another native after her i just didnt.... but i have herd of alot of natives doing it i got along with them but its hard at the res crazzie indians n of course good people like any other race... just a question i dont hate on no one even that chick... good tymes thow....
well i must be confused it doesnt mater but i tried to upload the pic n i cant samari imaging it must have been red ladi cloathing ow well it was a long tym ago mabe i should post women with weed from the rez...... :)28931-875933-small n.jpgcom to think of it i dated a lot of pritty women n three ugly ones. hahahaha. just kiding
im gona try this dudes strain hermies r coused buy many things n well it could have happend to anyone a cross in the room lets c i dont do shit like this but im curious. were do i get this mix breed i am a fan of exclusive cuts can i get the dudes info
The breeder's name on various forums is Rezdog. You'd have to ask him why he picked the handle Rezdog.
From the movie reservoir dogs. That’s where he got the name. The original sourd clone would throw a few nanners from time to time but was really exceptional pot way better than. Escd!
Not backing rez as he and I had some run ins years ago but ide try his sourd ibl. I had some samples of one of his back x’s years ago that was a stellar plant.