RH too high, heat stress or light stress??

Welp, it seems that rearranging the tent and fans, and giving everything a proper watering has "helped". The front plant isn't looking wilty. Maybe I was creating a temp hotspot that lacked airflow? Dunno. Seems cool for now, only 2 more weeks in this claustrophobic quarters then over to the 4x4.
An EC/ppm meter would be considered a basic essential for growing. Right now you are basically just guessing on your feed.

I'm following a chart and reducing the called-for levels. I know without even metering it, that I'm in a good range for PPM. For EC, gona be honest i haven't done much but breeze-over that topic.

So, I don't feel like I'm "guessing" on my feed but yeah, my EC is probably a crapshoot.

I just hate having to calibrate shit. I still use drops for pH, do they make drops for checking EC or PPM by chance? --i suppose I could google that, lol. ...
I'm following a chart and reducing the called-for levels. I know without even metering it, that I'm in a good range for PPM. For EC, gona be honest i haven't done much but breeze-over that topic.

So, I don't feel like I'm "guessing" on my feed but yeah, my EC is probably a crapshoot.

I just hate having to calibrate shit. I still use drops for pH, do they make drops for checking EC or PPM by chance? --i suppose I could google that, lol. ...
If you don't know EC ..PPM ...your guessing.
That's on my list of things like a drip system. It's in the plans, but not yet.

I kinda figure those tools are for "maximizing" plant's potential when my basic grow skills improve.

My advice would be to stop "kinda figuring". Play by the rules of coco and your grow skills will improve. If you don't have the tools (ec or ph meter) to know if your playing by the rules, you definitely will not be maximizing anything.
I'm following a chart and reducing the called-for levels. I know without even metering it, that I'm in a good range for PPM. For EC, gona be honest i haven't done much but breeze-over that topic.

So, I don't feel like I'm "guessing" on my feed but yeah, my EC is probably a crapshoot.

I just hate having to calibrate shit. I still use drops for pH, do they make drops for checking EC or PPM by chance? --i suppose I could google that, lol. ...

Monitoring ppm was essential for my DWC grows but I never do it for my plants grown in pots. Generally I feed 1/2 of the max on the bottles unless I'm seeing signs that it's not enough or too much and adjust from what my plants tell me. I'm using peat based ProMix HP for my base and it seems like so much less hassle than coco so I don't see the appeal. I can get ProMix all over the place here but it's a 2 hour drive to the nearest hydro store that sells coco and it's 3X the price. I did pick up a 50L bag of Cana Coco to do a little side-by-side grow with but don't plan on using it on a regular basis.

PPM pens are cheap and don't need much care or calibration but the cheap pH pens are pretty unreliable and need a lot more care that most people don't give them. My pH pen is 10 years old and still works fine but I keep it in good storage sol'n and calibrate it with both pH 7 and 4 pre-made sol'ns to make sure it's accurate.

I'm following a chart and reducing the called-for levels. I know without even metering it, that I'm in a good range for PPM. For EC, gona be honest i haven't done much but breeze-over that topic.

So, I don't feel like I'm "guessing" on my feed but yeah, my EC is probably a crapshoot.

I just hate having to calibrate shit. I still use drops for pH, do they make drops for checking EC or PPM by chance? --i suppose I could google that, lol. ...
EC is a universal scale and ppm is just a conversion from EC based on a scale. So you basically could say they are the same thing.

You can say you are in a good range for your feed but you have no idea. You still didn't list the amounts of what you are using. I'd also suggest getting droppers and measure the liquids you add in ml. GL
Gee, how did anyone ever grow cannabis without monitoring EC and PPM? How was weed ever cured before Bovedas? LOL, jk, kinda.

Truth be told, my absolute main goal (besides great quality smoke) is Keeping it Stupid Simple. . ..or in my case, keeping it simple, stupid :wink:. I do plan on getting PPM and EC meters, but not yet. I plan on automating some of my equipment, including a drip system, but not yet. I even plan on getting the right sized light for my space eventually, and not restricting my plants to a smaller area. But not until I really need to.

Just want to be super clear that I genuinely appreciate ALL the feedback here and I have taken some notes. Even if i joke back, or maybe seem like Im arguing any points, I'm just countering advice so as to clarify, mostly . Honestly guys, thanks.
Gee, how did anyone ever grow cannabis without monitoring EC and PPM? How was weed ever cured before Bovedas? LOL, jk, kinda.
Well if you go pop your head in your tent you'll see the effects of trying to grow without proper equipment. LOL, jk, kinda.

You keep comparing automated drip systems and EC meters. They aren't even in the same realm of equivalency for required equipment.

You can get a cheap EC/ppm pen for $15. There is no excuse not to get one.
No more chinabay meters for me. It's why i went back to pH drops.

I'm not "comparing" a drip system to EC and PPM meters, I just have them on the same wishlist. Future things to get.
I promise I'm not arguing with you, as stated I've taken notes. Appreciate the help, really. But throwing more tools at my plants isn't the answer for me at this time. Thanks man enjoy your weekend!
I promise I'm not arguing with you, as stated I've taken notes. Appreciate the help, really. But throwing more tools at my plants isn't the answer for me at this time. Thanks man enjoy your weekend!
Lack of proper equipment for growing in coco is the issue though.
No problem, you obviously know better. Have a good weekend.
I promise I'm not arguing with you, as stated I've taken notes. Appreciate the help, really. But throwing more tools at my plants isn't the answer for me at this time. Thanks man enjoy your weekend!

If you want a meter you don’t need to calibrate and is easy peasy to use get yourself a BLUELAB truncheon.

I grow in coco.

this 1 plant popped ground on the 9th September and it’s growing in a 2Gallon pot.

I’m currently running 1.2EC during stretch feeding every 3 hours during lights on and every 4 hours during lights off to avoid any dry back.

with coco if you monitor what’s going in it’s less of a guessing game.

and when things start to go to shit you can read your runoff to check if your EC is whacked out or not. (It’s not ideal to Check runoff EC in coco but it’s helps if the shit hits the fan)

That plant looks amazing man. Thanks for the advice. I absolutely 100% need to step up my watering frequency.

Update on the situation:
It was heat. I wasn't paying attention and one of my two fans was off. Also stepped up my watering game and each gets runoff daily. Or, rather, returned to my old watering practices. All is well, and even the very deficient, unsexed Flavour Pack is bouncing back nicely with proper care.
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I have this really picky White Gold (in front, ignore the starving one in tan pot) and I can't figure out WTF. . . .. It's in 3gal farbric pot, coco, GH 3-part plus Si, Ca Mg and Floralicious. ... At the end of 11/13 light cycle it looks like this:
View attachment 5023089
Temp is only getting to like 84 degrees at the canopy tops. But, RH has been high here since we finally got rain, like 60%+. The light is more than 24 inches away but is very oversized for the space and dimmed to 55%.

I'm personally leaning toward high RH because it's not something I usually deal with, the heat isn't as bad as it's been in the past with 0 issues, and the canopy PPF is like 600 (with a phone app, but still that can't be too far off). I'd like some advice from those who know better than me. Thanks in advance !!
Based on the curing upward leaves I would say light stress for sure. I could be wrong but only high light can do that to the plant. When it’s too wet and as you say above 60 many things that didn’t and have never happened can occur. Think of it this way it slows down or fatigues there breathing recycling and using nutes properly. If I were to guess your last grows had less RH which allowed for better light absorption. When it’s wet the plant can’t work as well. Your RH is honestly not bad for end of veg but early flower. I would lift light a few days to see if you can reduce the effects and allow a little better air flow. They will not turn all the way back but will be reduced stress which will allow better overall circulation of your plants. Reduce watering and raise your light a tad if you can. It’s tough to figure this stuff off out because indoor whether varies throughout the year some. So sometimes the same exact thing that worked for you last time may not produce the same exact results throughout your plants cycle. A safe bet is reduce light and water to try and pinpoint. Best of luck and you ladies still look healthy if your feeding lots nutrients slow those down as well. We overfeed our plants ten times more then they need. Also remember leaves will continue work no matter how bad they look unless they dry out they still are doing work for the plants don’t trim too much. From years and years of experience I know less is better. Way way less is the way to go.
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