Rhode Island Medical Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Hey therrrre,

I'm planning on moving to RI soon for the obvious benefit. I just want to know how difficult it is to get a card over there? And anyone's experiences. I know it's kind of vague but I feel like people will get the picture.
I lived in CO for the longest time and just had a great time with the medical services over there. But now I'm back in Boston and I don't like it. I mean I like being back home but having a small amount decriminalized doesn't do it for me. I need to get back to growing my own medicine.

Anyways, what can I expect when dealing with people out there. I got the basic gist of the laws. And found a lot of information.
I have severe and chronic pain. But I know in Colorado I had to have that written something like 3 times on my medical record - within a 3 year span.
Is there any circumstances like that in Rhode Island? Or if I just show them that my ankle was SHATTERED in 4 places I'll be good?

Any information will help. Sorry If I over wrote here.

God Dam

i think colorado and ri have recriproal agreements.
meaning if you have card in either state its good for the other one.
call the state health dept.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering the same thing cuz i live in mass. i read that you just need like a drivers license, and proof that u live there, such as a heat bill or soemthing like that, and i think its that easy. i want to move there also because i go there alot for music reasons. My man Big Rush tears up the hip hop scene there.
Hi all i live in rhode island and have been seeing a therapist who can not get me a card. he has told me to go to a doctor and give him my therapist number so he can confirm that i am legit. does anybody know any good doctors in the state that i could go to? your help would be great