No, your suspicions are correct, it won't be like that at all. When you enter, you'll be asked to show your card and then buzzed through to the recption area. Here you will find comfy couches and chairs, trained employees behind an info counter to answer any question from different strains to current law.
While you wait in the reception area, you will have a large, LED menu board above the doors to the actual dispensary where you will be able to view the current stock. There are also ipads so should you desire that express transaction like you described, it is available. If you already know what you want you can order on the ipad and avoid the wait.
Should you decide to enter the dispensary, this is what you will find.
First, off to the right there is a huge window that looks down into the veg room. That's a room that holds plants in their first 1/2 of their life cycle,...the babies and adolescents.
Now steer back towards the middle and left parts of the room and you'll find an 8 station counter (wheelchair friendly counters to the left). Each station will have sample dishes in glass cases of the current strains, displaying all their test results from Know your Grow Labs. Each station will have a qualified tender there to help you dial in just which strain or technique might be best for you personally. These people really care about you and are going to want to build a relationship so they can learn what is working with you and possible share that with others having the same problems. Many of these people are RI growers and caregivers themselves and are extremely knowledgeable, caring and just plain, nice people.
as you stand at the counter, there will be three office type doors on the wall behind you. These are the ancillary services. These havent been nailed down yet but they are planning things like massage, reiki, a nutritionist, those types of services. All free to registered patients.
After your transaction, you will be thanked and escorted if needed. Below is a recent news clip with a few quick glimpses inside the building. Vid clip is on left of screen
Let me know if I can answer any more questions for you.