ri laws per grow site

Have to say though. Completely suprised he got caught. That place is huge outside and inside. 144 plants could have been done easily and hidden easily.

The tenent they interviewed on the news said they could smell weed outside the building when you pulled up. If that's the case it's no surprise they got raided. Carbon filters are not that expensive considering the alternative. There's really no excuse for that..
Hey Guys, I havent dropped in on this thread in a while, but since my last comment, I have read some really misguided information on the program.

First and foremost, no matter HOW many licenses you have, 1 person can only grow 24 flowering plants and 12 veg plants, YOU cannot go over 12 veg plants, even if you have 5 caregiver and 2 patient licenses. Same scenario with 24 flowering plants. 12 veg plants include all veg plants; clones, mothers, sisters, etc.

Secondly, you can indeed have a grow in another location other than your address. However, you HAVE to have your license registered under your residential address. They need to know where you live, not where you grow, for communication purposes. You are heavily suggested to put a picture of your license in your grow room.

You are allowed to have other licenses in your room. However, after 2 licenses under one roof, you will have much more possibility of being recognized as a co-op.

If you have any other questions, or want to confirm your thoughts on the program, please visit one of MANY RIPAC meetings around the state. Visit www.ripatients.org and check out their calender for times, dates, and places. Many might not agree with the RIPAC department, but they do indeed put forth great information.
Anyone have experience in saying 2 cardholders can be inside same room... example, joe and jane have a caregiver card each. So each can do 12/12. Can they have one flower room with 24 and on veg room with 24 as long as the cards are posted on wall? Or must they be seperated in different rooms?
The law doesn't say you can't. It doesn't say you can either though. Can 100 caregivers rent an old mill together - names on the papers and cards posted up - and grow 2400 plants in there? Maybe. The law doesn't specify anything but it talks a lot about what "an individual is allowed" as far as plants growing and amounts. So its you and another cardholder with plants growing under shared equipment in a shared unit? Worst case scenario is you get arrested and hauled into court where the case against you is gonna be that it was not an individual grow.
Yea, screw that... too much grey area for me. Once they pull you into court, your in there for couple yrs which in mean time your card is revoked and name slandered in paper and your made an example of. (When in such a "grey area" state anyways)
The law is well defined, but it does indeed pose a risk of putting you in court. When you have multiple licenses in one house hold, you must make sure to label everything as if you will be inspected that moment. Police do not know how to count. They are not trained well for dealing with caregivers. If they show up at your door, it is your job to make sure everything is clearly labeled and easy to identify.
This was in the police blotter for Warwick. I'm moving back to the old hometown next month and in my property search I've been keeping an eye out for any shenanigans in the various neighborhoods to help guide me to the area I want to live in. Yes, occasionally something other than shoplifting or DUI does happen in Warwick (usually in or around Oakland Beach).

I saw this one and my inner lawyer was screaming at the laptop from within "What?! You don't have a card? And then you told them they could go ahead and look wherever they wanted?!"


Officer Matthew Moretti reported he was dispatched to a residence on Main Avenue after police received a tip from someone who said there were plants growing in the backyard that appeared to be marijuana. He said he arrived at the site around 4:55 p.m. on Aug. 28 and saw what looked like marijuana growing in the yard. He said he and another officer were about to knock on the door when the homeowner drove up. Moretti said he asked the homeowner if he had a medical marijuana card or a caregiver card and he admitted he did not. Moretti said he advised the homeowner that a neighbor called to inform them that there were marijuana plants in his backyard and the homeowner allowed them to look wherever they wanted. Moretti said they found no other drugs in the house but there was evidence of marijuana use in the house. There were three plants in the backyard. He said the plants were dug up and turned over to the police’s Special Operations Group. Joey Nocard, 34, of Main Ave. was charged with possession of marijuana and later released on $10,000 personal recognizance.

So right away this goes to "knowing your rights" and "what is the law?" First of all, If I lived on Main Ave. near the airport, I definitely wouldn't try this. But the cops seemed to be attempting to qualify whether he had a right to do what he was doing by asking if the man had a medical marijuana card or caregiver card.

Let's say he did have a card. This is an outdoor garden with 3 plants (I went on Google maps and checked) in a guy's private backyard on his real estate, which is completely fenced in. He's not encroaching on anyone else's private enjoyment of their property. He was also 100% cooperative with the police (and unfortunately admitted to a crime before he had even gotten all the way out of the car).

You have a card, the property is totally fenced in, and you're not causing a disturbance. Do you think the cops would have made the arrest if these were the circumstances?
Depending lol... these kids in warwick within couple miles from the airport were growing 5 liscences worth of plants in the field on his property, big plants... he put razor wire around his fence and everything i guess. Cops went there several times an looked around and left cause legal. Well, AFAIK he was raided about 2 weeks ago lol. My guess is cops smart enough to know when ton of lbs come off those plants it will then be illegal and waited it out.

Waiting for it to be in news cause 1 was arrested and 1 ran. They apparently looking for the second kid still so pretty sure thats why not public yet. I wanna know what they found there. 1 arrested was released next day so must not have been alot.

Before anyone goes ballastic about lies or some crap... i know someone who knows someone else.

Sucks about that guy with 3 plants minding his buisiness though. I recently did 8 plants outside in fenced yard but my neighbor could see right through fence an had me nervous for alittle cause i didnt want to smell up the area. He kept quiet about it and never mentioned it the enitre time.
§ 21-28.6-4 Protections for the medical use of marijuana. – (a) A qualifying patient who has in his or her possession a registry identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use of marijuana; provided, that the qualifying patient possesses an amount of marijuana that does not exceed twelve (12) mature marijuana plants and two and one-half (2.5) ounces of usable marijuana. Said plants shall be stored in an indoor facility.

I never know what to make of it when they put "SHALL." It's a weaselly lawyer word in my opinion. When it comes to handgun permits in Rhode Island, we are a "SHALL ISSUE" state. That means if you as an individual wish to protect yourself, your family, your home, place of business, etc., and you apply for a permit, the City "shall issue" it to you! But that's never how it works. The Chiefs in many of the towns summarily deny individual applications for permits all the time, and most of the time they provide no valid lawful reason. Shall we? Sorry, no. We shan't.

R.I. shall issue ccw permits, but they dont. Individuals shall grow indoors, but sometimes we like to be environmentally conscious and use the sun rather than carbon fuels! And if you have the plants fenced off screened from plain view in a secure area, they can't get you unless you answer your door and say "Sure c'mon in, I'm in a waive-my-rights kinda mood today."

If we could get the law changed to say "private facility" then that would help our case a lot. Or "on private property, in a contained area out of plain view." Let's all run for RI State Rep!
Lol, my boss just talking about a guy in warwick he went to school with now is in charge of carry permits for handguns and he saying how he just denies 99% of them cause he just doesnt want them out there so he doesnt care who the app is for. Just never signs off... wont say which city though cause not my business just saying how it relates to what you saying.
Just for everyone's info I looked up the west Warwick arrest from last year in the court records (go to ri courts and look up defendant search) and the final charge for 144 plants and 4 lbs was a simple possession 1st offense. He plead guilty and got a year suspended and a year probation and the rest was dropped.
Just for everyone's info I looked up the west Warwick arrest from last year in the court records (go to ri courts and look up defendant search) and the final charge for 144 plants and 4 lbs was a simple possession 1st offense. He plead guilty and got a year suspended and a year probation and the rest was dropped.

Wow, has it changed... lol glad they are being reasonable with charges
The fines don't outweigh the man hours of paperwork. Chiefs say "focus elsewhere" in mass, Im sure RI is the same.