RICH Budz Sunday Night Meet n Light


Well-Known Member
Earlier this summer, the f/b crew started getting together on Sunday nights for about an hour or so.

It's basically like a car show but for growers so instead of a trick ride, bring your latest work. We encourage patients to come as well, whether they are contributing or not, it doesn't matter. We go to different locations every week so folks from diff areass can check one out. We've had from 10 people to 30 so far. Very chill time, lasts about an hour and off we go till next week. Also a good time to exchange genetics if you've been looking to meet up with someone.

This week its at Conimicut Point Park in Warwick. 6p sharp as usual. Rain or shine. Have cards on person please
Gonna try my best to be there. I know I have to do something with my wifes family Sunday afternoon.

Really want to meet some of the guys.

Will be there fellas.

As a first timer, other than having my patient card on me - if I need any other pertinent info, please PM me. :)
hot choc with rumple minz and whipped cream dog,...don't sell me short!! lol Good times, good times. Nothing else needed Buddy :)

Yea, we're all different shapes, sizes, colors, backgrounds, ethnicitys and religions but somehow, everyone who shows up,.......fits in.
Right on. Make sure you first timers introduce yourselves to me and do it repeatedly because I suck with names so these things are twice as tough because some of us have 2,3 names each,lol. Hi, I'm Russ, LBH, RICH Budz, Plant_Manager,lol

If you are there early, I'm the guy in the silver 4runner/kayak racks
We had a rain plan of going to Johnston because the park has a pavilion but since the weather cleared, we're back to the schedule which is Conimicut Point Park. We try and do them by the water whenever possible. Plus, we had a couple johnston locals give the heads up that the park might not be a good place for this group to meet considering the agenda with the amount of patrolling it gets
We had a rain plan of going to Johnston because the park has a pavilion but since the weather cleared, we're back to the schedule which is Conimicut Point Park. We try and do them by the water whenever possible. Plus, we had a couple johnston locals give the heads up that the park might not be a good place for this group to meet considering the agenda with the amount of patrolling it gets

Near the water for the tranqulity or are we trying to get a line in too? LOL
Wow, what a great turnout tonight!! Was great to meet many of you for the first time and to see some of the roll it up community joining up with the f/b community. I'll looking forward to seeing many of you again. :) Thanks for coming out and Grow 'Em Up!!