RICH Budz Sunday Night Meet n Light

I had a great time as well fellas. Nothing like hanging in that breeze, a nice little drink and some clean meds. Getting to meet everyone for the first time was awesome, nothing like finally getting to bump elbows with the people who have been helping me out for the last few months!

Thanks for the ride Will, I had a great time hanging yesterday. My wife was definently bummed when I got home and told her how the night was - she should be around next time.

Was nice to meet you bud (appropriate name btw) Looking forward to meeting the wife next time :)
You guys do know that FB is HEAVILY monitored by feds? Why would you participate in a group on Facebook where all your basic information is open for them to catalog and dissect?
p.s. What time at elbow street on thurs?
We have nothing to hide. The feds don't bother with personal growers. In RI, they are only a threat if you are looking to set up industrially, even then, they are only a threat in Chaffee's eyes, that's why the compassion centers and RIPAC are filing a lawsuit against him threatening a court order to uphold state law. (announced yesterday, 2:00p press conference at state house)
n/m it's just Bruce. What up buddy? Listen, you dont have to use your real name if you want to come by and join in, no one would be the wiser (except me of course,lol,) I made sure you wont meet me w/o me recognizing you this time. I'm not a big fan of shady folks like that, sorry, that's just me but regardless, I'll keep your secret out of respect for the program.
I am not "bruce". I am new to the MMJ program within RI and I became aware of your Thurs meets. I was just highly wary to be joining a group on Facebook who sells their information to the feds on everything you do. Eitherway, I will be seeing you next Thurs hopefully. If you want to chat some more LBH so I can get a little more info from you, could I hit you up through PM LBH?
I was talking to playtowin but if you'd like to contact me, absolutely,pm me or if its easier to chat in person, I'll pm u my cell. It's completely understandable for newer folks to be timid about this stuff,'s human nature when it's been classed as "WRONG" for so long. Well, now, in RI, it's not wrong to be compassionate for others or to take care of your health how you and your doctores see fit. Now if we could only get this Governor off his ass.....
You guys do know that FB is HEAVILY monitored by feds? Why would you participate in a group on Facebook where all your basic information is open for them to catalog and dissect?
p.s. What time at elbow street on thurs?

We like sunshine thats why we came out of the shadows..
I like sunshine too, I would be at the rally this Saturday if I didn't have to be at work.

Call me paranoid "generally I'm not". Instead I like to think that I have a sense of awareness and try my best to avoid things that may harm me or my character. Well, tonight I was on facebook, sent a few friend requests and a message or 2. A few minutes later I received a telemarketing recording from a private number "you know the one telling me that either me or a friend has entered in a sweepstakes and are flying out of an international airport on the vacation of a lifetime___/// and it's free".
Yeah, ok''' like I'm going to fall for that one _____..// "again"! I have never been spammed on my cell phone EVER. Hell I don't even use the damn thing and never fill out any sweepstakes offers. I honestly don't even put my number out there. It's not with a carrier and I have no account per se' straight talk that's it. And guess what my phone is linked to my fb account. Coincidence? Time to make some changes... and focus on seeing a doctor outside the VA hospital for my condition. ty
I like sunshine too, I would be at the rally this Saturday if I didn't have to be at work.

Call me paranoid "generally I'm not". Instead I like to think that I have a sense of awareness and try my best to avoid things that may harm me or my character. Well, tonight I was on facebook, sent a few friend requests and a message or 2. A few minutes later I received a telemarketing recording from a private number "you know the one telling me that either me or a friend has entered in a sweepstakes and are flying out of an international airport on the vacation of a lifetime___/// and it's free".
Yeah, ok''' like I'm going to fall for that one _____..// "again"! I have never been spammed on my cell phone EVER. Hell I don't even use the damn thing and never fill out any sweepstakes offers. I honestly don't even put my number out there. It's not with a carrier and I have no account per se' straight talk that's it. And guess what my phone is linked to my fb account. Coincidence? Time to make some changes... and focus on seeing a doctor outside the VA hospital for my condition. ty

Facebook only as your cell number IF you added it to your info..AND ive been on facebook tons and NEVER get any calls like that ..I doubt its linked..
quick question. I've got the approval & paperwork, but no card yet. Am I out of luck until the card is in hand? No big deal, just checking.... It's OK if I have to wait a month or so to meet you all in person.
TY you are welcome to come.Its a pubic thing we want to sow all what this program is about..And NOW WITH NO CENTERS opening anytime soon,Better get acquainted.